Feds Target YouTube Viewers: FBI-Google Secret Collaboration

Feds Target YouTube Viewers: FBI-Google Secret CollaborationSean Adl-Tabatabai – According to two recent court orders, the FBI has a secret relationship with Google that compels the Big Tech company to release private information about users who watched certain “unapproved videos” on YouTube.

Naturalnews.com reports: According to the orders, the feds demanded information on all viewers of select YouTube videos that Washington says involve criminal activity like the selling of Bitcoin for cash. Continue reading

The Insidious Threats of Central Banks and Espionage Agencies

Central Banks and Domestic SpiesJ.B. Shurk – Central banks and espionage agencies are insidious threats to any free people. The former manipulate the value of money, and the latter manipulate the perceived truthfulness of information. Both ostensibly work for the broader public’s “best interest,” but as is true of all institutions, they ultimately serve the interests of those people who run them. Spies and bankers should not have so much power over free citizens.

Both institutions are not only plainly anti-democratic but also inherently authoritarian. The central banker says, “Free markets cannot be trusted to direct the flow of goods and services, so a small collection of experts must be empowered to manipulate markets at their discretion.”

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FBI Stonewalls Production Of Seth Rich Laptop

Tyler Durden – The FBI has asked a federal court for a second delay after being ordered to produce information from Seth Rich’s computer to a Texas resident, Brian Huddleston who has sued the bureau.

Huddleston says that the court should force the agency to produce the information before the 2024 presidential election, as it may show that Rich, not Russians, was Wikileaks’ source of leaked emails which were damaging to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US election. Continue reading

If You Oppose Tyranny, You’re on the FBI’s AGAAVE List

If You Oppose Tyranny, You’re on the FBI’s AGAAVE ListJ.B. Shurk – As if locking up J6 protesters for their political beliefs and repeatedly arresting President Trump for opposing the Deep State had not been big enough clues, America’s KGB goon squad revealed last month that it has a whole new domestic terrorism category specifically created to target MAGA voters: Anti-Government, Anti-Authority, Violent Extremists.  (Fist bump to any reader who sees “AGAAVE” and immediately thinks that it must be Tequila Tuesday somewhere.)

It’s always disconcerting to find more proof that the FBI is every bit the dangerous, psychopathic, anti-American organization that it appears. Whenever I refer to it as the “Fascist Bureau of Intimidation,” a little voice in my head asks, “Is that entirely fair?” Then I see how it’s AGAAVE’d half the population onto a terrorist watchlist, and I realize that I’m not being critical enough. This agency is Soviet Russia’s Cheka secret police through and through. Continue reading

DOJ, FBI, IRS Interfered With Hunter Biden Probe

DOJ, FBI, IRS Interfered With Hunter Biden ProbePatriot Mom Digest – On Thursday, the House Ways and Means Committee released testimony from two IRS whistleblowers, who said the Justice Department, FBI and IRS interfered with the investigation of the tax evasion case against Hunter Biden. They stated that, through ‘delaying, divulging, and denying’ the probe, that federal officials protected President Biden’s son.

Reportedly, according to Committee Chairman Jason Smith, (R) MO., that testimony Continue reading