Spiritual Loneliness: What To Do When No One Understands You

feelDylan Harper – The experience of loneliness is almost a natural byproduct of spiritual awakening. For those who are spiritually-minded, it’s not uncommon to feel a little disconnected from other people at times.  Though we might be connected to our inner guidance system, we might also feel a little displaced in modern civilization where materialism, consumerism and negativity often reign supreme.  If you are going through an awakening process, or if you already have, then you will certainly know what it feels like to be rejected by the herd.

So how do we maintain a feeling of unity with everyone, while also feeling like we are emotionally separated from everyone?

Here are some helpful ways to cope with spiritual loneliness:

1) Reality itself is just a play in consciousness.  It’s all a dream

You are dreaming right now.  You aren’t dreaming in the sense that your body is asleep, but you are dreaming in the sense that when you die you will wake up in a new dimension.  You will realize that your life and your journey was all one big play that was setup so that you could evolve as a soul.  Zooming out and gaining perspective like this really helps with dealing with loneliness, because it allows to remember that our life is a manifestation of our consciousness and a projection of our creativity.

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Stop and listen. Feel life fully. Engage

sensesVeronica – The culture is a fast paced one. Time measured with great focus always seems to slip through the fingers of those incarnate. With all the rushing to and fro, one should expect to acquire an inner dizziness that is hard to calm.

​ All of you are sentient beings. True sensitivity, however, needs to be cared for. Becoming too busy to “feel” is indeed a hazard. Since all incarnates are connected energetically, the concept of one at a time is a realistic endeavor.

We would counsel, if you find yourself disconnected, to stand still for a moment. The momentum of this reality has “legs” of its own, and really does not require your energy as fuel.

Stand still.

The rat race will continue. However, your energy just might get a chance to truly breathe life force back into itself.

Start by considering the basic 5 senses. Sight, Hearing, Tasting, Scent, and Touching.

When was the last time you truly observed your surroundings? To take in all the magnificence of the beauty around you should not be overlooked.

There is a lot of focus upon the “ugliness” of the world. A far less observance of the beauty. By truly “seeing” what is around you offers an opportunity to embrace that energy, while spreading it around. We are not saying that the ugliness will immediately disappear. We say that by creating a better balance of sight one can do their part to create a more peaceful atmosphere. Continue reading

We Are The Flash Of Light We Have Been Waiting For

feelDana Mrkich – Depending on which source of alternative media you may have come across over the past few months, increasing in crescendo the past few days, the world was supposed to end the other day (again), or we are about to ascend as a planet into a whole new level of consciousness tomorrow during the Lunar Eclipse, after which the New Earth ‘officially’ begins. Wow ‘officially’! Wow, tomorrow!

I’m the first to love, and talk about, a good old heightened, even pivotal moment in this progressive, constant, evolutionary journey we are all on. There is no doubt whatsoever that any and every astrological alignment and solar flare adds power to the waves of consciousness that are pouring onto this planet right now – waves that are only going to increase in strength for the forseeable future.

What has my bee in a bonnet are these ‘this is THE date’ predictions, either foretelling the official ‘end of the world’ or official ‘beginning of the world.’ They trigger false fear and false hope, and then when those dates pass a lot of people are left feeling deflated, or justified in their ‘told ya so’. What an excellent strategy to make people give up on feeling anything is ever going to change. What an excellent tactic to make people feel that all this talk of energy is a load of crap.

I wrote a lot about the end of 2012 in the decade preceding it, in the context of it being the end of a cycle, and beginning of a new cycle. Not an end of world, and not an overnight new one either. A turning point. A crossroads. An opportunity for us to collectively get together in the ethers as we slept at night and decide: which way are we going to go? We had to decide this collectively as a humanity for our continuing existence on this planet, and we have all had to decide this personally as individuals on this planet. Continue reading