Unlock Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities

Unlock Your Spiritual Gifts & AbilitiesDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to see you all blossoming and growing as you are there on Earth. We know that the best is yet to come for you, and so do your guides and higher selves. Therefore, we are always encouraging you to enjoy the moment you are in right now, as we know that there is truly nothing to worry about.

We hold that vision for you of gradually returning home to Source, and we encourage you to feel for that within yourselves as well. The journey and the evidence of the progress you are making along with the way are all available to you when you look within. Continue reading

New Moon Update 2-11-2021

New Moon in Aquarius is Thursday at February 11th, Mountain Standard Time at 12:05PM (MST)

feelingLena Stevens – This New Moon invites us to explore our emotional freedom. Emotional freedom is being free of what we think we should have done, could have done, are sorry we did not do, are sorry we did, are shameful or resentful about a past situation, or just simply out of sorts and not feeling good about something we cannot do anything about. If you are not emotionally free, you are stuck. And if you are stuck you cannot move forward.

This is an amazing time of movement, thinking outside the box and finding new solutions to old challenges. Instead of being mired in the past and feeling bad about something, use the momentum to spark a creative idea, project or collaboration. Share your visions with others to give them voice and expression. Take some time to sing and dance and move your body in expressive ways. Continue reading

Nurturing a Healthy Mind in 2021

feelingDespite waving a joyous and long-awaited goodbye to the hardships of 2020, the reality of the current global situation continues to pose as a terminus of worry for many people.

As restrictions and limitations wax and wane in many aspects of everyday life, it is important to remember that staying safe is the main priority when concerning the wellbeing of you and your loved ones.

If you are feeling worried about the uncertain possibilities that the new year holds in its future, then it might be worth your time to note that there are many ways in which you can stay safe and feel secure whilst eliminating any unwanted anxiety. Continue reading

Resurrecting good feelings

feelingThe Angels – Search your hearts. What is it you would most like to feel here upon this earth? Take a moment, shut your eyes, breathe and ask the question, “Dear heart of hearts, what would you most like to feel here upon this earth, right here, right now?”

You might hear your heart say it wants to feel safe, loved, abundant, free, alive, worthy, peaceful, healthy, comfortable in the body, or a variety of other wonderful loving feelings. Trust whatever comes up inside of you. Continue reading

Grab the remote!

remote controlThe Angels – You are powerful beyond your capacity to comprehend. The Love of the Creator lives and breathes within you. With your free will, using, faith, focus and your feeling, you aim the creative powers of the universe!

If you could see reality as we see it, it looks like a vast network of possible “programs” for your life. In much the same way as your television is receptive to a vast network of possible programs – all being broadcast all at once – you are receptive to a vast network of possible realities, all offered to you, all at once.

When you want to select a program on your television, you hold the remote control, press a button and the program appears. What is really happening? You press a button and your remote control sends out an energetic signal. That signal is interpreted by your television, and it tells your television to tune into a certain station. Out of all the stations your TV could receive, now it is focused on only one. Its is tuned into the energetic signal of that one station. A picture appears. Continue reading