Finding calm amid the storm

feelingDana Mrkich – A lot of dust has been swirled up this week. It is pushing buttons and triggering people left and right. On the positive side, we are becoming more aware of what’s important to us and are feeling more compelled to actively do something to contribute to the kind of world we want to live in. On the flip side, we could easily spend all day being outraged about the stories, posts and comments we see flooding our feed.

Regardless of where you stand on an issue the chances of being triggered are high right now because everyone’s opinions are very much intensified. So if you agree with a post or article, the comments that don’t agree might upset you and vice versa.

While there’s the initial rush of adrenalin that anger provides, and the call to action it encourages, when we feel it constantly it is exhausting and drains us of our power. Social media is really powerful for the amount of information it provides but it is hard if not impossible to emotionally process the avalanche of information hurling our way all day every day. We don’t have time to read every single article properly and so we find ourselves fuming at this heading or that heading or sharing like crazy when we haven’t really read the whole thing.

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Can We Live in a Constant State of Love?

compassionToni Emerson – When we fall in love, our heart becomes full of feel-good qualities that infuse our life with joy and excitement. Everything feels light, fresh and more vibrant. We wake up to a brighter day, the air is warmer, the sun is brighter, everything is right with the world.

Living life through the interactive and colorful kaleidoscope of love is one of the highest human experiences. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to capture this experience and transform it into a permanent state of being? In my next few articles, we will formulate our unique blueprint to reconnect to our love source and transition from experiences of love which come and go to living love at its fullest moment to moment.

Love & Emotions

Understanding the difference between love and the many feelings inspired by love is essential in realizing that love is the baseline from which everything else emerges.

As human beings, we experience many emotional states under love’s vast umbrella, yet each one of them fails to convey the totality of what love is. Love is not equal to the sum of its parts. It is far more powerful than transient emotions. It is an integral state of being waiting to be rediscovered.

How Humanity Has Enslaved Itself

Andrew Barker – Most people won’t believe they are enslaved, though some believe they are enslaved by the ruling elite. But when we look deeper into this predicament, we may be able to see that we are in fact enslaved or trapped by our own minds.

Man is a slave. He is not born as a slave, he is born free. He is born as freedom, but he is found in chains everywhere. He lives in chains, he dies in chains. This is the greatest calamity that has happened to humanity. – Osho

feelingFeeling vs. Expression

We have a feeling, and then there is the expression of that feeling. The feeling is the intent, the motivation, the driving force. The expression is the action we take to express this feeling. This operates throughout life in everything we do. But conflict and suffering arise when the expression does not match the feeling – and I believe this is the predicament of most of humanity.

For example, an artist has a strong feeling about something, which is authentic; she expresses it on canvas. This expression pleases some people and they buy her work; she gains money and reputation. Her expression gets noticed and becomes fashionable. She seeks to reproduce something of similar quality, and the expression becomes habitual and stylized. Inevitably, the expression becomes more important than the feeling, and soon the feeling evaporates.

When expression becomes all-important because it is pleasurable, satisfying, or profitable, then there is cleavage between expression and feeling. When the feeling IS the expression then the conflict doesn’t arise, and there is no contradiction. But when profit and thought (desire, power, money, status, ego) intervene, then this feeling is lost through greed, and we become a slave to money, desire, and ego. The passion of feeling is entirely different from the passion of expression, and most of society is caught in the passion of expression. Continue reading

Sacred Feminine Fire

feminineDana Mrkich – There is a lot of Sacred Feminine healing and awakening about this year. We have plenty of astrological alignments supporting this process, one happening this weekend as described beautifully in this article by Tara Greene and portrayed in her image below.

We are officially in a new cycle of evolution, one in which the Divine Feminine is coming in like a big Goddess lady riding a chariot. The Divine Feminine influence is one of strength from within, grounded in our bodies and our Earth, connected to knowledge here and among the stars that is ancient as ancient can be.

Yet even as I write some of what her influence is, her nature is to stop me and say “Don’t label me. Don’t box me. Don’t define what my influence is or is not. It is whatever it is for each unique individual. Don’t use me to give people yet another energy to follow or conform to. I am what I am, and each one of you reading this are who you are. Don’t let anyone define you or give you rules to define yourself by. Define yourself.” Continue reading

Paul Brundtland ~ Perfectionism And Fear: The Emotion Behind Getting It “Just Right”

“There is a point when perfectionism leads us away from a “perfect” experience of life. This is to say, the feelings associated with having it “just right” actually can cause us to miss the beneficial qualities of having it in all its glory just “as it is”.” – P Brundtland

perfectionismMany of us know that feeling, that nagging voice inside saying “No, I want it THAT way”.

One can argue that perfectionism can bring out the best in us and others in certain situations. The great inventors, artists, scientists, engineers and architects in history undoubtedly found themselves struggling to realize exactly what was in their heads, and pushing those involved past what had been previously considered acceptable.

But for many of us perfectionists, we’re often not talking about finding the perfect angle for a structural member in a building. We might be more at the scale of finding the perfect angle for the hat on our head or getting our look for the day perfect. Maybe it’s the perfect way to end an email or expecting the perfect response at the perfect time from a colleague, friend or partner.

“What’s wrong with that?”, you may ask. Well, nothing, if it causes you no tension and doesn’t drive the people around you mad.

The Emotion Behind Getting It “Just Right”

There is a point when perfectionism leads us away from a “perfect” experience of life. This is to say, the feelings associated with having it “just right” actually can cause us to miss the beneficial qualities of having it in all its glory just “as it is”. Continue reading