Get Rich Quick – The Golden Fleece

The Golden Fleece – or 3 Ways to “Get-Rich-Quick”

goldGary Christenson – One, buy a few congresspersons (or preferably a president), and obtain a “no-bid” contract to provide something to the government at a huge markup. It could be Tamiflu vaccine, security services in Iraq, TSA scanners, private prisons or so many other schemes.  The profits can be enormous to the point that payoffs to politicians are insignificant.  This works especially well if you are a member of the financial elite.

Two, let the Federal Reserve ship several billion dollars in shrink-wrapped one hundred dollars bills to you, and exempt yourself from accountability. This worked in Iraq – link here.

Saving the best for last …

Three, convert paper currencies into gold.

One scenario is:

  1. Setup: Buy congresspersons,  a president, prime minister, king or war lord.  Create a central bank with an exclusive right to print paper currencies.  Loan newly printed currency to the government and collect the interest.
  2. The Business: Loan newly printed paper currencies (pounds, dollars, euros etc.) to governments and businesses, but demand the interest be paid to the bank in gold.  Voila!  Paper has been created and converted to gold.
  3. The Next Phase: Convince the government to declare it illegal for citizens to own gold.  Confiscate gold from citizens and build a storage facility to store the gold (such as the Fort Knox Bullion Depository).  Print dollars, ship them to Europe, return them to the US government and collect gold in exchange for paper dollars.  Ship the gold to a private European vault. Continue reading

Never Forget: The Central Banks Have Engineered This Collapse

central banksJames Corbett – Good news, everybody! The markets are rebounding! Yes, we just a hit a minor bump in the road there, but don’t worry, everything is back to normal now. Let’s forget about the tail end of last week and this week’s Black Monday, shall we? Pay no mind to the uncomfortable lowlights of the global stock rout:

Nope, nothing to see here. And now that this dead cat bounce is underway, surely there will be no more commodity deflation or global economic slowdown or worldwide currency war or historically unprecedented bond bubbles to worry about, right?

OK, enough sarcasm. Readers of this column will know by now that the phoney baloney stock markets, manipulated as they are from top to bottom and juiced as they are on the Fed’s QE heroin, are no longer reflective of economic reality. The only question is how far this particular dead cat market will bounce, and whether it will be helped along with more heroin from the Fed.

But there is already one vitally important take away from these events that the independent media must articulate now, before it’s too late. Namely: This crisis was engineered by the central banks. It is their fault.

Let me repeat that again in case you missed it: This crisis was engineered by the central banks.

This point is not even controversial. It has been the universal consensus of institutions ranging from the Bank for International Settlements to the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, and from OECD officials to former Fed Governors and even Alan “Bubbles” Greenspan himself.

In fact, analyst after analyst and pundit after pundit–including the most mainstream of mainstream publications–have been sounding the alarm on the stock market bubble for much of the past year. Continue reading

The Triumph of Hope Over Experience

hopeGary Christenson – Rather than discuss the triumph of experience over hope regarding hard money, honest politicians, and free market economics, let’s look at its opposite.

  • The world has a massive debt problem, but we hope our politicians and bankers will solve it by creating even more debt.
  • The U.S. will elect a president in 2016. We hope he or she will primarily represent the needs of the people, instead of the corporations that paid several billion dollars to elect their servant.
  • We hope that economic and political central planning in the US, UK, and EU is more successful than it was in the USSR and North Korea.
  • The F.A.S.B. in 2009 allowed banks to account for derivative values based on “mark to myth” instead of actual market values. We hope nothing goes wrong with $500+ Trillion in interest rate derivatives.
  • We hope massively over-printed debt based fiat currencies will retain their value and not collapse, as all other fiat currencies have eventually collapsed.
  • Unfunded U.S. pension liabilities are measured in the trillions of dollars but we hope the pension problems will be resolved better than in Puerto Rico, Ukraine, USSR, Venezuela, and Argentina. Continue reading

Gold & Silver Money Has Devolved Into Debt and Plastic

goldGary Christenson –  Central banks will disagree; Keynesian economists probably disagree; Too-Big-To-Fail banks don’t care; but I think the following is generally accurate regarding the devolution of gold and silver money.

In The Beginning: Gold and silver coins were used as real money for several thousand years. Gold and silver were universally recognized as a store of value.

140 Years Ago: The $20 Gold Double Eagle Coin was globally recognized as money. It contained 0.9675 ounces of gold and its purchasing power was unquestioned.

gold137 Years Ago: The $1 Morgan Silver Dollar was universally appreciated and valued. The silver dollars contained 0.77 ounces of silver, were pretty, used in daily commerce, and minted by the millions in the U.S.

goldAnd Then Came Paper Money Continue reading

China’s Pivotal Role: More Questions Than Answers. Not So For Charts.

Michael Noonan – The belligerent United States continues to assert its fading but still lethal destruction around the globe.  Just one guess who is behind the Saudi invasion of defenseless Yemen, covered here previously, [See What Moved Price? Ba el-Mandeb ]?  The Military Industrial Complex [MIC], finds it financially rewarding to sell all the military might necessary to wage war of any kind, anywhere around the world.  After all, when the primary country you occupy has over 6,000 retail stores closing, domestic business is not doing very well, so the federal government needs income from somewhere.

Are we unfairly picking on the United States?  Absolutely not, unless you are a U S citizen whose sole source of information comes from the NWO mainstream news media which is prevented from ever covering the truth.  [See Obama More Hostile Towards Press Than Any Other President In History].  Rather than try to convince anyone, in a sentence or two, that freedom of the press is just a myth in this country, we will let this WashingtonsBlog article do the heavy lifting as just the tip of the news media iceberg.

Our focus on gold and silver is more of an unconventional approach because the conventional news stories on them regurgitates a never-ending supply of statistics that have nothing to do with current prices.  What does?  The ongoing existence of the New World Order’s lead “hit man,” the corporate federal U S government, forcing the debt-ridden fiat Federal Reserve Notes [FRN], aka the “dollar,”as the proxy for keeping the largest and longest ever Ponzi scheme of enslaving the world.

It is the same US that is arming the Saudis, [who by the way, are killing the US shale oil fracking industry, thereby further weakening both the country and its fiat petro-dollar to ensure there is no other competition for Saudi oil], that started the [failed] Ukranian War, also over money, [preventing Russia from being the top energy supplier to Europe, and thus keeping the EU under the financial thumb of the US].

If you listen only to the mainstream news, Russia, which means Putin, is the despised enemy.  Yet, there is not a single piece of evidence that supports the US-led propaganda agenda that demonstrates Russia was an aggressor in the illegal CIA-induced coup of Ukraine’s previously elected president [who happened to not support US interests.] Continue reading