Sanders Fails to File Senate Financial Ethics Forms

sandersThomas – Socialist Senator and former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is in hot water after missing the deadline to file his ethics financial statements… for a second time!

The first deadline was May 15th for the 2016 records. But Sanders, a big-government socialist who campaigned on more transparency in government, missed the filing deadline.

What’s going on here? Does it have to do with his wife’s FBI investigation, or perhaps alleged favors received from Team Clinton in exchange for cooperation during the 2016 presidential campaign?

Sanders was supposed to file two separate disclosures because he was running for President, but he failed to do that as well until after losing to Hillary Clinton in the Democrat primary.

He’s been caught hiding his financial records:

[…]Sanders has failed to meet a May 15 deadline for turning in an annual report detailing his finances for 2016, according to the Valley News, a New England newspaper. Continue reading