The Deep Healing in Loss

lifeMary O’Malley – My life seems to be filled with cancer lately. I have been diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer, and I have a couple of friends who are also working with cancer. Needless to say, it is very intense, not only for those with cancer, but also their families and friends who walk the journey alongside them. Yes, it is a fierce process, but I also experience it as a benevolent process.

When we are caught in our struggling minds, as many people are, we don’t want to face the thought of loss, whether it is the loss of a relationship, a loved one, our health or even our life. So what do we do? We hold on, hold on, hold on, and then it becomes an extremely difficult journey. We have become lost in the illusion that life is solid, and peace will come when we can make it the way we want it to be. In this blindness, we don’t see loss, which includes death and dying, as a healing process. And this is our suffering.  Continue reading

Trusting Life’s Amazing Unfolding

flowMary O’Malley – If you could watch the storyteller in your head that talks all day long, rather than identifying with it, you would see that it truly believes it has to do life and do it right – even being in the now! So it plans, judges, fixes, trying to get rid of what it doesn’t like and get to what it does. As you step back and watch all of the busyness, you can see clearly it is simply struggle. And that struggle cuts you off from being fully alive.

What would happen if you KNEW that life was in charge of life and it was SAFE to relax into the flow, knowing that life was giving you the exact set of experiences you need in order to become free of your mind’s addiction to struggle?   Continue reading

Are you a Control Freak? Control blocks the flow of miracles

controlThe Angels – We wish to be very loving with you today as we address a sensitive topic– one that if properly understood can grant you great freedom and grace, and this is the subject of “control.”

You have a saying on earth about certain individuals on your planet – “Oh he’s a control freak! She’s a control freak!” You say it as if this is an unusual ailment, but as we see it (and we say this with love), almost every human being upon the earth is a “control freak” in one way or another.

We are not saying that most of you have any conscious desire whatsoever to bend others to do your bidding! Most of you would never dream of dictating another’s choices, nor coercing them to do your will. Most of you would say, “I have no desire to control anyone else.” We believe you! However, control can show up in very subtle and self-sabotaging ways. Continue reading

Go with your flow

EnergyThe Angels – You don’t have to struggle with your lives. You can relax, breathe and trust that the power which creates you, also guides you. To the degree that you surrender to your own hearts in each moment, you are being guided. To the degree that you resist your authentic self, you feel exhausted, stuck or in pain.

Suppose for example a friend asks you a favor. You don’t really want to do it. You feel like you should. You say “yes.” You have resisted the natural flow of life by being dishonest with yourself and your friend. Unless you can authentically change your mind and honestly, lovingly do the favor, you will feel exhausted, resentful, or resigned. Continue reading

Judging, Judgment and Energy Flows

energyJennifer Hoffman – The amount of darkness, density, corruption, and criminality that is being exposed in the halls of government, film, music, in the US and internationally, is simply astounding.  While it has been going on for a long time, the entire house of cards has come crashing down. Look at how quickly Hollywood went from being celebrated on its ivory tower and is now being trashed around the world, and the ivory tower is smashed to pieces. One revelation was enough to end the cult of celebrity, as I wrote in the November  Energy Report.

How much truth and revelation can we handle? Is it easier to rip off the bandage slowly or quickly? There’s still pain either way, but it doesn’t last as long  when the bandaid is removed quickly. Then we have to deal with the pain and figure out what to do next – do we add another bandage or let the wound heal without it? That takes courage and the knowing that we will heal, the belief that we can, and the motivation to keep the energy flowing towards that outcome. Continue reading