Oracle Report Thursday, September 7, 2017

Full Moon in Aries:  clarity, realizations

Sun: 16 Virgo – “children crowd around the orangutan cage at the zoo”

True Alignments:  wonderment, mystery, facing something, seeing connections, united, including others

Catalysts for Change:  feeling closed/boxed/caged in, eavesdropping, divide and conquer, singled out, derision

Earth:  16 Pisces – “in a quiet moment, a creative individual experiences the flow of inspiration”

True Alignments:  chains of events or ideas, Oneness, going with the flow, integration, spiritual revelation

Catalysts for Change:  self-doubt or self-criticism, shutting down, forcing things, immobilization, creative block (try going outdoors for a while to reframe and refresh), spiritual crisis

“Hawaii” – photographer Sonia

Laura Walker – As the intensity of the solar dynamics increases today, we continue what we began yesterday with the energetic of “in a quiet moment, a creative individual experiences the flow of information.”  We go with the flow.

Going with the flow is the wisdom for today.  Things are happening very quickly, causing fear, confusion, and uncertainty to rise.  In response, the tendency is to clamp down and try to control things.  This is a “constriction,” and is not beneficial. Continue reading

Illusion Of Time- Past, Present, And Future [Video]

Aug Tellez – Anthony puts down a lot of concepts and a lot of references. I’ve been wanting to give a run down of many videos I’ve posted for a while. This is as good, if not one of the best videos I could have chosen.These concepts are central to the understanding of the extra-dimensional universe beyond Cartesian limitations of time and space. We are not actually violating these limitations, we are studying the true space which found and determined through perception, not some externally measurable quantification.

All you have to use is a brain and a mind. Sit down and focus on the nature of time, what is required, what is contained therein and through and what is beyond the basic functioning we experience through the brain.

Here is the EBTV interview with host Evita Ochel and returning guest Anthony Peake in a dialogue about the illusive nature of time:

“Zero-Point Field, Pineal Gland, and the Out of Body Experience”

  • 3:10: Time is one of the most mysterious things to exist.
  • 4:15: Do I travel through time or does time travel through me?
  • 4:25: Everything else we know of we can quantify…There is no time to measure time against. There is no metric of time to be technical about it.
  • 5:00: Marcus Aurelius-“Time is a river.” What he had realized is the only reason we know that a river flows is because we have river banks. And it’s the river banks that tell you the river is flowing. However with time, there are no river banks, it’s just a flow. Continue reading

The Master Key to Awakened Magic

magicLori Ann Lothian – I heard from a friend recently, an author and a teacher who had an awakening two decades ago who told me that the flow of magic had abruptly dried up in her life. By this, she meant the gifts of self-remembrance ( synchronicity, ease, intuitive knowing and mini-miracles) had come to a halt just as if someone had turned off  the water faucet.

What happened? Did she fall back asleep? Was there an expiration date on her magic? No. What happened was two things.

First, she had simply entered into a deep ebb phase—because all magic happens in ebbs and flows. This is the Law of Rhythm, and it is not escapable if you live in space-time. Simply said, what goes up, comes down. When magic ebbs, patience and faith are called for. Who are you in the middle of the off-phase is what matters the most. Can you step forward in blind trust that even if you can’t feel or see the hand of the divine right now, you are still connected and you are still being guided?

I hit a patch like this only two weeks ago. It was as if I kept walking into no-flow walls and tripping over my own seemingly chaotic choices and poor discernment. Yet I knew that this was an ebb (it only lasted a few days) and instead of panicking, I chose to relax into it and laugh at myself. (Because some of it was so calamitous I could only laugh).

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Doing by Not Doing

flowOwen K Waters – Wouldn’t it be just great if life suddenly became a lot easier? What if, instead of working hard to complete a project, it all just flowed together in one easy-moving path towards perfect completion?

Such is the promise of the Eastern philosophy of Wu Wei (“Woo-Way”), which promotes the idea of “doing by not doing.” When nothing is done, it says, nothing is left undone.

When nothing is done… excuse me? When I first encountered this stark contradiction I became seriously worried about my brain cells short-circuiting and melting. The more I thought about it, the more convinced I became that I was starting to smell smoke coming out of my ears!

Later, at an older and riper age, I began to see the idea behind the apparent contradiction. The alternative translation of “action without effort” instead of “doing by not doing” helped to clarify the original idea. I came to realize that if, instead of trying to make something happen by the usual efforts of planning, willpower and determination, you go within and see the action accomplished, then something very different happens. The action doesn’t mysteriously become accomplished by non-effort, but you experience a state of flow which enables you to move through the task with ease, grace and incredible efficiency.

A leading light in positive psychology today is Hungarian-American professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. (In case you’re wondering, his last name is pronounced, “Cheek-sent-me-high-ee.”) His focus on happiness and creativity led to the concept of flow, which is a state of concentration or complete absorption in an activity. He points out that developing a state of flow leads to higher skill development and the ability to meet higher challenges within a chosen field.

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Effortless Action

actionOwen K Waters – The Chinese philosopher, Lao Tse (“Lay-OTE-say”) gave teachings which were designed to confuse the conscious mind. The idea was that, when the conscious mind tires and gets out of the way, the seeker could discover the deeper truths within.

Lao Tse is credited with the 2,500 year-old work, the Tao Te Ching, which is full of apparent contradictions or paradoxes. He refers to the Tao (the “Dow”) as that which is everything and yet nothing. What he means is that the Tao – the Absolute, the Isness, or Infinite Being – is the transcendent consciousness which is behind all manifestation. It is not the active manifestation of the created universe, but the original consciousness behind it. It is that which, in silence and unchanging perfection, always was and always will be. And yet, so the paradox goes, all of manifestation came from it and therefore is it.

Similarly, he uses paradox to promote the philosophy of Wu Wei (“Woo Way”) as the way of “action without action.” Sounds impossible? That’s the point. He wanted people to give up making logical sense of the idea and, instead, go within to find the truth behind the paradox.

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