Scientists Blame Fluoride For Underactive Thyroid Issues, Depression, Weight Gain, And More

WaterFluorideTruthstream Media ~ A new study out of the UK shows once again just how dangerous water fluoridation is.

This time, a look at 98 percent of GP practices found that high rates of underactive thyroid were 30 percent more likely to show up in areas with, surprise surprise, the greatest degree of water fluoridation.

Via Fluoride Action Network:

[The study] found a relatively strong and statistically significant effect, with General Practice (GP) areas being 62% more likely to have high rates of diagnosed hypothyroidism if their drinking water fluoride levels were above 0.7ppm compared to areas with fluoride levels below 0.3ppm.  This was after researchers had accounted for key confounders, which are other factors that influence hypothyroid rates.

Via The Telegraph:

…new research from the University of Kent suggests that there is a spike in the number of cases of underactive thyroid in high fluoride areas such as the West Midlands and the North East of England…

It could mean that up to 15,000 people are suffering needlessly from thyroid problems which can cause depression, weight gain, fatigue and aching muscles.

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Personal Observations, Global Shifts, And Changes

gillilandToday’s letter is on a personal note with observations of the global shifts and changes.

Personally I have watched feelings arise I thought were dealt with long ago. I have watched people enter my life almost identical to people in the past harboring the same personas.

We magnetize people and events to us according to our consciousness and wish as I may I am not immune to this process. Thankfully I have mastered a few more tools and methods to process, gain the wisdom and allow these experiences to settle in the soul as wisdom. The sad part is I watch as so many others hold on to their wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences, guarding them like their grandest treasures. God forbid pointing these programs out because they are met with vehement defensiveness. I have never before seen the need to be right defended against all base logic. The more I process my own issues and rise in consciousness the more I feel like an alien.

There is very little love on this planet. When I say love it is not the love most seek and desire. It is a love without agendas, without attachments and judgements. Not the love with hooks, the desire to fill unfulfilled expectations, the voids left by past relationships. It is the love that only comes with one’s own personal God, Spirit, Creator connection. It is the love that allows that connection to flow freely though us. One of the first steps to this process is just being kind to others – all life including ourselves.

In today’s society there is not a lot of kindness being expressed for each other or the Earth. In many cases we have become a nation of wounded zombies with our souls buried under layers of chemicals, psychotronics, psychic turbulence and the programming of social consciousness. The heavy metals like aluminum, strontium, and barium in the chemtrails as well as the fluoride in the water are working. Very well I might add. Continue reading

Fluoride, Aluminum, And A Global Society That Seems Unable To Wake Up

“There are sinister agents in the world and beyond who wish to see consciousness suppressed. There appears to be an evil behind water fluoridation that runs deeper than mere convenience, and the implications go beyond fluoride’s reputed effects of making a people compliant who would otherwise question questionable things . . .” – J Resnick

mindControlBubbleWe all face a world that has become horribly toxic. There is no place to escape the toxic fallout, there is nowhere to hide. The all out climate engineering assault on planet Earth has assured that every living organism is forced to absorb an array of contaminants.

All heavy metals are a danger to our health, but when combined, synergistic toxicity makes them much more lethal. In the case of aluminum and mercury, studies exist that suggest overall toxicity can increase as much as 10,000% when these two metals are combined. Ingestion or absorption of fluoride allows aluminum in the the human body to much more effectively cross the blood brain barrier. The power structure has made sure that all global populations were and are exposed to many lethal combinations of metals and chemicals.

We are all in a literal fight for life. People around the world must awaken and stand together against the insanity or we will have no chance of survival. On the current trajectory, this is a mathematical fact. Get up, get educated, get involved with the fight for the common good, tomorrow will be too late. Dane Wigington

How Fluoride Affects Consciousness and the Will to Act

Source: Waking Times

New evidence has linked fluoride and other chemicals to brain disorders. What other unknown effects might this industrial by-product added to our water supply have? An examination of water fluoridation’s shadowy history reveals potentially disturbing ramifications for human consciousness. Continue reading

Fluoridated Water Can Calcify Arteries, Study Finds

“The study found a striking contrast between the in vitro (cell model) and in vivo (animal model) results: within the former, fluoride prevented calcification, within the later, it enhanced medial [middle portion of the artery] vascular calcification in the arteries of animals whose kidneys were weakened. Keep in mind that they did not use ‘mega doses’ of fluoride in the animal study, . . .” – S Ji

WaterFluorideFluoride is put in your drinking water ‘for your teeth’ without your consent, but did you know that it could also be calcifying your arteries?

A few years ago, we reported on a study evaluating a new diagnostic technology that inadvertently revealed a link between fluoride exposure and coronary artery disease. Our report stirred up quite a lot of controversy and criticism, even leading one of the most respected figures in alternative medicine (deservedly so) – Dr. Russell Blaylock — to call us out on Infowars for our allegedly sophomoric interpretation of the following article: “Association of vascular fluoride uptake with vascular calcification and coronary artery following article disease.” As one can see, the study’s results revealed a hitherto largely unknown connection between fluoride exposure, coronary artery disease and cardiovascular events (e.g. heart attack).

“There was significant correlation between history of cardiovascular events and presence of fluoride uptake in coronary arteries. The coronary fluoride uptake value in patients with cardiovascular events was significantly higher than in patients without cardiovascular events.”

The argument, at the time, was the study was simply about a new diagnostic technique and shouldn’t be ‘read into,’ and that, presumably, the increased fluoride uptake value observed in patients with a higher frequency of cardiovascular events was a an ‘effect’ of the heart disease itself and not in any way indicative of fluoride’s causative role as a cardiotoxic agent — despite the fact that fluoride’s cardiotoxicity has already been consistently demonstrated in the biomedical literature.

Now, a provocative new study published in the journal Toxicology not only provides some vindication for our previous interpretations, but also raises serious concern over the cardiovascular complications associated with water fluoridation practices, showing for the first time that despite exhibiting an anti-calcification effect in vitro (cell model) fluoride exposure at levels found in people who drink fluoridated water exhibits artery-calcifying effects in the more important in vivo (animal) model. Continue reading

Now We Come To Vaccines And Depopulation Experiments

“To a highly significant degree, the CDC and the World Health Organization are PR agencies, whose job is to convince the public that stepping up, rolling up their sleeves, and submitting to shots containing germs and toxic chemicals is the most natural and wise action possible.” -J Rappoport

“When the State offers and even insists on giving everybody something, you know you’re in trouble. Well, that’s the whole point, isn’t it? Leaving the individual out of the equation. Treating the population like a single Blob.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Before we get to vaccines, I want to give you a quote about fluorides, just to set the stage.

Stan Freni is a researcher who, in 1994, wrote a paper about fluorides, the substances in many toothpastes, also pumped intentionally into the drinking water of many communities and cities.

Funny thing is, Stan Freni wrote his paper as an employee for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The title of the paper is “Exposure to High Fluoride Concentrations in Drinking Water is Associated With Decreased Birth Rates.”

It was published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health (v.42, pp.109-121, 1994). Freni writes:

“A US database of drinking water systems was used to identify index counties with water systems reporting fluoride levels of at least 3ppm (parts per million)…the annual total fertility rate (TFR) for women in the age range 10-49 yr. was calculated for the period 1970-1988…Most regions showed an association of decreasing TFR with increasing fluoride levels.”

Increasing fluoride levels, lower fertility rates. Depopulation here in the US, right in your water.

So don’t imagine depopulation is an esoteric subject. Continue reading