Forgiving Ourselves

self forgiveness brings freedomPaul Rosenberg – I think we’ve all heard people say that in order to repair a relationship, it’s necessary to forgive the other person first… to accept that they, like you, have their flaws, and that you will no longer hold them to account for what they did.

Those of us who were able to follow that advice know that while it doesn’t solve everything, it is necessary. We’ve also learned that to honestly forgive does something to us; something deep and healthy.

The point I want to make today is that we need to repair the relationships we hold with ourselves, and that a necessary part of that is forgiving ourselves. Continue reading

Heal your Life with Self-Forgiveness

EnergyJafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – Self-forgiveness carries a powerful energy that can completely transform your being and your life. Forgiving yourself is all about clearing away the weight of your past that you have been carrying inside your heart.

When your heart is liberated, it creates a space for you to receive love again. As forgiveness floods your being, you will naturally feel more joyful, peaceful and empowered to manifest what you truly desire. The more deeply you forgive yourself, the lighter and higher your vibration will grow, and the easier it will be to manifest anything your imagination can dream. Continue reading

Life Lessons About Disrespect For Oneself

How people  treat other people is a direct reflection how they feel about themselves – Paulo Coehlo

L J Vanier – Every relationship we have, can be viewed as a reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves and setting the tone for the right relationships, lies heavily upon us. By trusting ourselves, listening to our own thoughts, feelings and emotions, we become more authentic and this gives us the wonderful opportunity to become comfortable in our own skin.

Yet, when we are not comfortable with who we are, we project onto others, what we cannot accept of ourselves. Continue reading

Forgiveness equals freedom

forgivenessThe Angels – Today we’d like to address a topic that you are all familiar with and yet one that provides great struggle for the human heart – forgiveness.

We know that if we asked you a simple question, “Do you want to carry the pain of your past into your future?” each and every one of you would answer with a resounding “No! I wish to be free of it.”

Yet if we asked you a slightly different question, “Are you willing to forgive all those who have inspired your pain and suffering?” most of you would say, “I want to, but it’s hard,” while others would answer vehemently, “Absolutely not!” Continue reading

Release Past Patterns

forgivenessAA Gabriel – As you move through your life, you are given many opportunities for growth. There may have been times when you chose ways of behavior which now seem inappropriate, and may even cause you great pain when you think of them. You may also have a sense of guilt for the pain you feel you caused others. You are here at this place and time, reading these words, to know that it is time to accept the choices you made in the past and to move on with your life. You were doing the best you could at the time.

What occurred in the past is over. To continue to beat yourself up or wish you had done things differently serves no purpose. There comes a time for forgiveness, and this is what is necessary before you can make the changes you want for your future. When you continue to relive past experiences, it keeps you dwelling in those patterns of behavior, even if you are no longer acting them out. It is necessary to clear those patterns through compassion and forgiveness. Continue reading