The Liberating and Empowering Effect of Absolute Forgiveness

“Beautiful” – photo by L. Walker

Open – On Openhand’s level 3 course DIVINICUS, we explore deeply into the importance of not apportioning blame and instead taking full responsibility for the lives only we are creating — at a soul level, we draw everything to ourselves in order to learn, evolve and grow.

One vital aspect of this approach is that of forgiveness: realising the other person is not to blame for their distortion (and my creation) and therefore being able to forgive them. In my experience, this is one of the most liberating and empowering things we can do. But if EVERY situation is purposefully designed by the natural flow for us to self-realise, then is there truly a need for forgiveness, and if so, what might that look like?

Taking Responsibility

This is an important realisation in the Openhand book 5GATEWAYS: that to blame another is to disempower ourselves because basically we’re saying: “something outside of myself, over which I have no control, is the cause of my beingness.” Continue reading

Why You Should Forgive Your Parents… and How To Do It!

Nanice Ellis – On the surface, forgiving your parents (or anyone for that matter) may seem insignificant but forgiving your mother or father is actually the best thing you can do for the quality of your life. Even low-grade parental blame and resentment perpetuate a cycle of emotional pain and suffering that can negatively affect your adult relationships, finances, and overall wellbeing, ultimately preventing the love, abundance and happiness you desire and deserve.

If you have no comparison, you might not notice the amount of energy it takes to hold onto an emotional wound or even a small grudge, but holding onto anger, resentment or any form of hostility requires a tremendous amount of life force energy and this energy is non-refundable. Decades of anger and resentment can cut years off your life, and you wouldn’t even know it. Think of it like throwing hundred dollar bills into the toilet each day, except life force energy is infinitely more valuable than all the money in the world.

The Cycle of Suffering

Without healing our childhood wounds and subsequently forgiving our parents, we stay emotionally stuck at the age of our earliest wounds, and because this causes us to repeat the cycle of suffering, we keep experiencing an adult version of our childhood wounds.

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Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

loveJoy is your birthright, and joy is to be found in the moment when you accept that what is in front of you, right here, right now is exactly what your soul needs in this moment to learn more about love! This is a difficult concept for many. What if you have financial woes? What if someone has just hurt your feelings? What if you are in a miserable relationship or surrounded by family that does not understand you.

in those circumstances your human mind is likely to say, “I cannot be joyful. Life is not as I wish.” Yet, at the very same time, your soul looks at these circumstances much as a child looks at a puzzle. The soul says to itself, “I am stuck in the moment, but if I just find a way to turn towards love, then I will learn, grow into greater truth, and create movement in my life! If I can just figure out how to bring love into this situation then it’s going to be so much fun!.I can’t wait to find the answer!”

We realize this sounds outlandish to the human mind which is programmed to label, judge, sort, and categorize life. But while the mind says, “How terrible,” the heart says, “Opportunity.”

Next time you find yourself in undesirable circumstances. pray and ask, “How can I bring more love into this moment.” Say you have financial woes. Perhaps you can count your blessings, look at all you do have, express faith in abundance and tap into the vast reservoirs of gifts and talents you have within. Suppose someone has been unkind. Perhaps you can be kind to yourself, walk away, and “forgive them for they know not what they do,” or at least make a determination to focus on anything kinder. Suppose you are in an unkind relationship or among unkind family members. Can you kindly walk away from their unpleasant behaviors or, if you are stuck in their presence, imagine allowing the angels to work through your heart and send them invisible light? Continue reading

How To Forgive Yourself

iceage_flowerWhat would happen if you were to realize that everything you have done is just a part of the natural unfolding of life, and that it is forgivable? What would it be like if you forgave yourself for all of it?

I have been reading the book, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed, and I want to share this inspirational excerpt about forgiveness:

“What if I forgave myself? I thought. What if I forgave myself even though I’d done something I shouldn’t have? What if I was a liar and a cheat and there was no excuse for what I’d done other than because it was what I wanted and needed to do? What if I was sorry, but if I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do anything differently than I had done? What if I’d actually wanted to fuck every one of those men? What if heroin taught me something? What if yes was the right answer instead of no? What if what made me do all those things everyone thought I shouldn’t have done was what also had got me here? What if I was never redeemed? What if I already was?” Continue reading

5 Things Happy People Do Before Getting Out of Bed Every Morning

“Everything is in a constant state of change… it’s the only constant in existence. We change all the time whether we realize it or not.” – P Lenda

WomanSmileBedYou just woke up and are ready to get out of your bed and start your day. But wait! Let’s bring some mindfulness into life from the moment we get lucid. I recently saw a list floating around of five things you should do before getting out of bed, and a chain of events led me to putting them into words to share with others.

These five things can be looked at as life hacks because they’re so simple and easy to add to our daily routine yet so effective that it begs the question why we weren’t doing them before. You’ll soon discover that they will elevate your state of mind and make you feel like you’re going to be successful at whatever you set out to do. The first step towards accomplishing something is having the intent to accomplish something. These five things will help you do just that.

 1. Express gratitude

Every new day leads to a new way to say “thank you” for being alive. Everything we experience and are capable of experiencing on this blue marble in this universal arena is something to be grateful for. Contemplate the fact that something rather than nothing exists and that within that something we exist and experience such an amazing reality. There is always something to be grateful for, we simply need to look around us and within us. Through continued gratitude we cannot help but feel an explosive volcanic eruption of bliss to be so fortunate as to have what we have. Continue reading