What would you like for your personal reality to be?

frequenciesJenny Schiltz – Greetings! It is I, Quan Yin. We hope that you are able to feel upon the horizon the winds of change that are touching every part of your planet. It is a miraculous time, one that each of you wanted and chose to be a part of. There is not a single area that is not being affected by all that is taking place. We have spoken to you before about the frequencies separating and indeed that has begun.

For those that have stationed themselves in the higher frequencies, there is a mental ease to this time. This does not mean that all is perfect and joyous in each moment but rather that you are aware and have the tools to cope with anything that comes your way. Think of a boat in a storm, the wave may cover the bow and submerge you for a moment, but the boat always rises again, keeping you afloat.

For those who are finding themselves continually submerged, continually battered by the waves, we ask you, what is it that is weighing you down? What is it that must be changed and let go of within so that are no longer anchored to a reality that drowns you bit by bit. For you see, it is that simple, when you follow your heart and not the preconceived limitations of your world you will find yourself rising to meet any challenge.

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Dr. Mercola: The Dangers of LED Lights

Alexandra Bruce –  Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Alexander Wunsch about the hidden dangers of light-emitting diode (LED) lighting.


Our eyes were designed to receive the light frequency of the Sun. Rays strike the optic nerve, which signals the pituitary gland, triggering the release of hormones and neurotransmitters that regulate our bodily functions. Continue reading

November Message From Archangel Michael

lightAA Michael – When you are attuned to the mid-4th-dimensional frequencies of light, you relinquish the idea of being human as you have known it in the past. It is a time of the emergence of your soul consciousness as you allow it to become the reigning influence within your life. this means you begin to listen to the wisdom of your body elemental, and the signals it sends as to what is appropriate for your physical and emotional well-being. Your DNA and the cells of your body begin to integrate the higher frequencies of light, and gradually, you begin to vibrate and attune to the refined energy of the New Age.

This period of the transformation process could be likened to a death of your old self-consciousness, which is really the process of removing the veils of illusion. As you integrate each new level of your oversoul/higher self, you absorb the wisdom and illumination of that facet of your vaster being. You are in the process of shedding the multiple layers of density, which you have absorbed within your auric field down through the many ages of earthly experience. The saying “the Light shall set you free” is a true statement, for the Light is dissolving the layers upon layers of negativity that you have carried for such a very long time.

You begin to function within an auric field of refined light of your own creation, as you turn inward, and learn to stay focused and centered within your sacred heart in the power of the Now moment. Over time you, as light transformers, begin to draw forth and integrate the maximum amount of adamantine particles of creator light, and you then consciously radiate forth the remainder out to humanity and to the world.

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