Navigating New Dimensions and Timelines

energy flowAluna Joy Yaxkin –  Something strange has been happening, and if you have noticed this, you have been experiencing a REAL PHYSICAL, dimensional re-alignment. The last couple of months have been really challenging.

I like to think of this as a cosmic fire walk. We have traveled through the 20 core days in the Mayan calendar, magnified by 6 planets that were working backwards, while we strived really hard to live forward.

We are much stronger for this huge initiation, and we should feel lighter and more solid than we have in months… and it is only going to get lighter as summer progresses. If you have felt this fire walk, I hope that what I share next will make sense to your journey

As most of you know, I am a clairvoyant / oracle, or whatever woo woo title we want to call it. All my life I have relied on my ability to see without using my five senses. But in these days, I have been literally beside myself.

When I closed my eyes, I have been feeling things that were not there. It could have been things that were just there, and had just moved; Or things that were about to move into that space, and I was perceiving them ahead of time.

I felt like I was outside of myself. So everything I would see or feel felt like it was just a little out of sync with where I was physically. I felt like I was between dimensions or waffling back and forth between the two at once.

This made me feel really uncomfortable and was quite unnerving. Even as I struggle to find the right words to explain this experience, I am still not quite hitting the point. So I hope that I haven’t lost you already, and you continue to read this rambling, because it is going somewhere.

I will try to explain more here with a simple example…

I could feel my dog Comet jump up on the bed and lay down next to me. When I opened my eyes, he wasn’t there. This was quite startling to me, because I really did feel him jump up on the bed.

I was feeling this with my physical body, and not just my intuitive senses. I felt like I was a little bit out of sync with my physical world. The world felt like it was skipping in a jerking-like fashion.

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Hilarion’s Message – September 11-18, 2016

energiesHilarion – There is another frequency shift that is taking place at this time. Many of you have been feeling the need to go inward to sit in quietness, meditate, contemplate, and renew yourselves and this is excellent for it means that you are absorbing the higher energies and are utilizing them in the correct manner.

Much is transpiring on the world scene, there is a movement towards better communication, there is a movement towards cooperation between nations and we from this side of the veil see this as a very positive step. We applaud those people and those countries who are initiating those agreements to end wars and bring about peace.

For the world and the people on it are feeling very weary and tired, they are feeling the need to live in a world that is secure, where everyone feels safe, where there is no need to fear one another. The cleansing and purging that has been happening for many years is something that humanity needs to go through but it is a process that fills one with a sense of overwhelm while it is occurring.

It is occurring almost non-stop now and for the foreseeable future. Ultimately, Dear Ones, this is a good thing, this is something that is needed and required before each person is able to traverse the two worlds, the two dimensions into a higher octave which will bring about more peace within themselves and which will ultimately bring about peace on the planet.

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The Mayan Calendar And The Physics Of Ascension

frequenciesMichelle Walling – The Maya were the inheritors of the Atlantian knowledge of the great cycles of time. From Dr. Carl Johan Calleman’s work the Mayan Calendar describes a period of time that started 16.4 billion years ago and ends October 28, 2011. It gives us the entire time-line for our known Universe.

The Calendar is divided into eight “cycles” made up of 13 x 20ⁿ x 360 days, where “n” represents a number from 7 to 0. Each cycle is 20 times shorter than the previous. The eighth cycle (the Galactic cycle) started January 5th, 1999 and will last 4680 days. The last (9th) cycle (the Universal cycle), starts February 10th, 2011 and lasts just 260 days. In the period between October 28, 2011 and December 21, 2012 we will enter a period of infinite possibility where we choose a new consensus reality.

Further confirmation of this same December 21st 2012 date is revealed in the “Web-Bot Project”, in Terence McKenna’s “Novelty Theory” from the King Wen Sequence of the “I Ching”, and in prophesies of many native cultures.

Humans can choose to move forward in their evolution anytime they’re ready but planets and stars can only do so at programmed intervals. This is a planetary-galactic ascension that is occurring. The Earth and all the planets and stars are moving up in vibration-consciousness into the 4th and 5th levels. This started in 1936 and is almost completed. Once it has reached the ‘tipping point’, the Earth will shift.

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Allow Self Expansion & Avoid Self Judgment

ascensionJennifer Hoffman – This is an Archangel Uriel channeled message.

The expansion of your purpose and potential now provides clarity and understanding of your journey and how you have been participated in this great ascension mission. The many aspects of your ‘self’ come forward in divine timing and with right purpose, to complete healing cycles, release karmic bonds, and re-establish your divine blueprint. But as you become aware of more powerful potentials you believe that you  have made mistakes and judge your actions as wrong or misguided. Yet your willingness to experience pain and suffering as part of the ascension cycle have been a gift to Source so ascension could occur. Now you are free to move into new aspects of your self but only if you avoid judgment of the path you have chosen as your lesson and your gift.

The responsibility for ascension belongs to all of humanity but those who are aware of its nature, importance, and purpose, the light beacons, light and energy workers, the healers, empaths, and the open hearted, have been willing to assume the extra responsibility of fulfilling the more complex aspects of ascension such as the completion of healing cycles, the end of karma, and expanding 3D portals into multi-dimensionality.

You may know this responsibility as a feeling that something ‘better’ is possible, that more joy is available, that there can be peace and harmony in the world, and that love and compassion are possible. Before you can expand you must know limitation. And before you can experience the freedom of higher dimensions, you must know the limitations of fear and lower frequencies. You know that expanding into higher frequencies is possible because that is your true state of being. But to bring this awareness and experience to humanity you had to begin from ignorance of your divinity and power and create the expanded path. The teacher must be authentic in their experience in order to be a way-shower for others. Continue reading

The Universe And The Law Of Attraction

Vicky Anderson ~ Around the turn of the 20th century, a spiritual movement called the New Thought philosophy developed as the result of Orthodox Christianity, Unitarian Sensation-alism and Trans­cendentalism. This philo-sophy promotes the Law of Mind in emphasis of the fact that Divinity dwells within each of us. One of the early ‘thinkers’ of this philosophy was William W. Atkinson who, in 1906, wrote a book titled Thought Vibration: or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World. The premise behind his teachings is that what we focus on develops into our reality.[i]

The spiritual key to the Bible is the knowledge that the entire outer world… is amenable to the energy of our Thoughts. Emmet Fox

frequenciesDr. Joshua David Stone, Ph.D, was a late-twentieth century Jewish Psychologist and the author of numerous works on Spiritual Psychology and Integrated Ascension, a term he coined to stress the importance of mastering and integrating the mind and emotions with the spiritual path. In his book, titled The Universal Laws of God, he wrote about how we are all electro-magnetic beings. So our sub-conscious mind is always attracting and magnetizing vibrational frequencies. Like everything else in the Universe, thought waves have their own unique frequency. And, once a thought is accepted into the conscious mind, it imprints itself on the sub-conscious like a computer, which then attracts and magnetizes it. Our thoughts are frequencies to which other similar frequencies are constantly resonating. And it is our aura that acts as an antenna to attract them. So we are unconsciously broadcasting frequencies that are picking up similar frequencies from everyone and everything around us. We are literally attracting vibrational frequencies back to ourselves like a magnet. This resonance is the basis for a universal law – the Law of Attraction.[ii] Continue reading