Bush, Sr. and the Murder of JFK [Video]

Thomas and Betsy explain the last 100 years of U.S. criminal history in less than 60 minutes, connecting the dots between all the following:


John F. Kennedy, Allen Dulles, George H.W. Bush, Warren Commission, Bay of Pigs, Zapata Oil, Edwin Pauley, OSS, CIA, regime changes, Ted Cruz’s father, BCCI, Jimmy Carter, Watergate, Federal Reserve, Woodrow Wilson, Charles Dawes, Bank of International Settlements, Harry Dextr White, United Nations, IMF, Standard Oil, Prescott Bush, Carlisle Group, Haliburton, 911, Barrick Gold, Jesuits, Robert Mueller, H. P. Heidner, Council on Foreign Relations, Kissinger…..and more.

SF Source American Intelligence Media Oct 2017