What Does Gatekeeping Mean in Mental Health?

What Does Gatekeeping Mean in Mental Health?Gatekeeping is an important concept to understand when discussing mental health. It’s not just about access to care, but also about how individuals and professionals interact with one another. The term “gatekeeping” refers to a form of power or control over the decision-making process within a system, such as deciding who has access to resources (like therapy) and who does not. This article will discuss what gatekeeping means in mental health and why it is important.

What is Gatekeeping?

In short, gatekeeping is a form of control or power that can limit people’s access to resources or services. It often involves someone else making decisions on behalf of someone else and preventing them from accessing help or services they may need. In the context of mental health, it can mean that a professional or family member is withholding treatment from a person who needs it due to their own personal beliefs or biases. Continue reading