What Orwell and Huxley Got Wrong and Kafka Got Right

What Orwell and Huxley Got Wrong and Kafka Got RightCharles Hugh Smith – For self-evident reasons, the fictional visions of Orwell and Huxley resonate as maps to the present distemper. Orwell’s account of full-spectrum technological totalitarianism maps Big Tech’s mastery of Surveillance Capitalism and governments’ full-spectrum surveillance powering the fine-grained coercion of social credit scores and related tools.

Huxley’s vision of a doped-up, med-dependent populace that loves its servitude also maps the present. Indeed, not only do we love our servitude, which manifests in our endless addictions and dependencies on everything from debt to junk food to painkillers, our servitude has been so normalized that we don’t even recognize the servitude that underpins “normal life.” Continue reading

In the Mouth of Marxist Madness

In the Mouth of Marxist MadnessJ.B. Shurk – At the beginning of October, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán denounced the European Union’s 1984-inspired manipulation of language: “Brussels is creating an Orwellian world in front of our eyes. They buy and supply weapons through the European Peace Facility.

They want to control the media through the Media Freedom Act. We didn’t fight the communists to end up in 1984!” The “Peace Facility” is responsible for transferring billions of dollars worth of artillery and ammunition to Ukraine. The “Media Freedom Act” gives European bureaucrats extraordinary powers to censor any speech or ideas they dislike. Continue reading

A Controlled Peasantry

 A Controlled PeasantrySocrates: Imagine people are kept in an underground cave from childhood, their legs and necks in chains so that they can see only in front of them. There is a fire behind them casting shadows on the back wall of the cave. Between the prisoners and the fire there is a road along which “puppet-masters” carry objects that cast shadows on the back wall of the cave. Some of the puppet-masters speak, others are silent.

Glaucon: That’s a strange image and strange prisoners you speak of.

Socrates: They’re like us. – Plato, “Allegory of the Cave,” Republic

Richard McDonough –  In his “Allegory of the Cave,” Plato’s character, Socrates, paints a striking picture of people kept in chains from birth deep in a cave chained by the neck and the legs so that they can only see the back wall of the cave.  As a consequence, they only “know” the shadows cast by a fire behind them on the back wall of the cave. Continue reading

Who Are the Real Haters?

progressive hatersBruce Deitrick Price – When Governor Gavin Newsom disappeared for a few weeks after receiving a COVID shot, the public worried: was he alive?  His wife did not like this curiosity.  You might think citizens have a right to know where their leaders are.  Nope.  She viewed the nosy public as haters.

Mrs. Newsom posted: “When someone cancels something, maybe they’re just in the office working; maybe in their free time they’re at home with their family, at their kids’ sports matches, or dining out with their wife. Please stop hating and get a life.” Continue reading