Another 9/11 Anniversary And The Mutant War On Terror

TruthstreamMedia  September 4 2013


Can you love your country without loving your government?

The Star Spangled Banner, America’s national anthem, refers to our country as, “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. Both claims were called into question a long time ago.

The anniversary of September 11 will soon be upon us again, and as a nation, we find ourselves embroiled in continuous turmoil, ramping up the elusive War on Terror that sprang from the events that shook the country that day back in 2001. In the years since, Americans have stood by and witnessed a continual erosion of their freedoms — from the Patriot Act’s attack on our Fourth Amendment, to the militarization of our police in an ever expanding police state, to the nationwide expansion of so-called ‘free-speech zones’ under George W. Bush, to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which can disappear and indefinitely detain American citizens suspected of terrorism without charge or public trial, to the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) massive expansion that includes unseen no-fly lists and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) irradiating and molesting people and their children at airports, to the revelations that the National Security Administration (NSA) is collecting data on every single American citizen — and all in the supposed name of our safety.

Our government has gone so far as to deem 100 miles inland from any U.S. border to be a Constitution-free zone, with dozens of internal DHS checkpoints dotting the scenery. Papers, please?

Founding father Benjamin Franklin warned us about trading our freedom for the pretense of security. We did not listen.

As September 11th approaches once again a dozen years later, where do we as Americans find ourselves now? Continue reading

Paul Craig Roberts ~ Washington Is Insane

Paul Craig Roberts June 17 2013

George W. BushIn the 21st century the two hundred year-old propaganda that the American people control their government has been completely shattered. Both the Bush and Obama regimes have made it unmistakenly clear that the American people don’t even influence, much less control, the government. As far as Washington is concerned, the people are nothing but chaff in the wind.

Polls demonstrate that 65% of the US population opposes US intervention in Syria. Despite this clear indication of the people’s will, the Obama regime is ramping up a propaganda case for more arming of Washington’s mercenaries sent to overthrow the secular Syrian government and for a “no-fly zone” over Syria, which, if Libya is the example, means US or NATO aircraft attacking the Syrian army on the ground, thus serving as the air force of Washington’s imported mercenaries, euphemistically called “the Syrian rebels.”

Washington declared some time ago that the “red line” that would bring Syria under Washington’s military attack was the Assad government’s use of chemical weapons of mass destruction against Washington’s mercenaries. Once this announcement was made, everyone with a brain immediately knew that Washington would fabricate false intelligence that Assad had used chemical weapons, just as Washington presented to the United Nations the intentional lie via Secretary of State Colin Powell that Saddam Hussein in Iraq had dangerous weapons of mass destruction. Remember National Security Advisor Condi Rice’s image of a “mushroom cloud over American cities?” Propagandistic lies were Washington’s orders of the day.

And they still are. Now Washington has fabricated the false intelligence, and president obama has announced it with a straight face, that Syria’s Assad has used sarin gas on several occasions and that between 100 and 150 “of his own people,” a euphemism for the US supplied foreign mercenaries, have been killed by the weapon of mass destruction.

Think about that for a minute. As unfortunate as is any death from war, is 100-150 deaths “mass destruction?” According to low-ball estimates, the US-sponsored foreign mercenary invasion of Syria has cost 93,000 lives, of which 150 deaths amounts to 0.0016%. If we round up, Washington’s 150 deaths comes to two-thousands of one percent.

In other words, 99.998% of the deaths did not cross the “red line.” But the 0.002 (rounded up) percent did.

Yes, I know. Washington’s position makes no sense. But when has it ever made any sense?

Let’s stretch our minds just a tiny bit farther. Assad knows about Washington’s “red line.” It has been repeated over and over in order to create in the minds of the distracted American public that there is a real, valid reason for attacking Syria. Why would Assad use the proscribed weapons of mass destruction in order to kill a measly 100-150 mercenaries when his army is mopping up the US mercenaries without the use of gas and when Assad knows that the use of gas brings in the US military against him?

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Stephen Lendman ~ The Chemical Weapons Hoax

SteveLendmanBlog June 16 2013

Barack ObamaGreater US intervention in Syria looms. Manufactured threats facilitate doing so. Replacing Assad with puppet leadership is planned. Independent governments aren’t tolerated. More on that below.

Fact: Washington bears full responsibility for Middle East/North Africa/Central Asian wars. Resource control is prioritized. So is imperial dominance to Russian and Chinese borders.

Fact: State terrorism is official US policy. Obama’s waging multiple direct and proxy wars. He’s doing so lawlessly. He’s ravaging humanity in the process.

Washington, its allies, and proxies use chemical and other illegal weapons. Permanent wars reflect longstanding US policy. Americans are deceived and lied to. Truth is verboten.

Unchallenged global dominance is sought. Washington demands total subservience. What we say goes is policy. All independent governments are targeted.

Plans call for installing subservient puppet regimes. Direct intervention in Syria looms. War on Iran is planned. Lebanon is targeted. So are other countries.

America and Israel are imperial partners. Both countries wage war on Syria. They actively arm Al Qaeda and Al Nusra fighters. Both groups are designated terrorist organizations.

They’re supplied chemical and other lethal weapons. They’re trained in their use. Pentagon contractors and US special forces are involved. So are CIA operatives. Training occurs in Turkey and Jordan. Perhaps in Israel.

Israeli forces are mobilized near Syria’s border. Libya 2.0 looms. Regional conflict is possible. So is WW III.

Fact: Alleging Syrian chemical weapons use replicates fabricated claims about Saddam’s nonexistent WMDs. It’s similar to false charges against all US enemies.

Big Lies launch wars. They’re pretexts for planned aggression. Repetition gets people to believe them. Manipulative deception is standard practice. False flags are commonly used.

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The Real Fundamental Transformation of America

Wealth Wire April 24 2013 (Thanks, A.L.)

“How to defeat terrorism? Don’t be terrorized. Don’t let fear rule your life. Even if you are scared.”— Salman Rushdie, Step Across This Line

Federal Reserve SystemThe events of last week seemed straight from the pages of graphic suspense drama…

Macabre images of terror and blood in the streets, cowardly terrorists on the run, and families destroyed by unfathomable tragedy in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing.

How could something this horrifying be happening… again?

The most shameful part in all of this is I’ve found it’s often easier to cope with the chaos in our world by treating it as if it were just something we find in the fiction shelves at a local library.

But the reality is pandemonium fills the streets, even if most of us are watching it unfold on television from the comfort of our own living rooms.

This leads us to have difficulty in separating ourselves from the discord that plagues even the strongest of our nation’s cities.

What we must do is begin to accept reality for what it is, not what we wish it to be… Then, and only then, can we as individuals and communities take positive steps forward to overcome the fear that has relentlessly befallen us, especially over the last decade.

Responsively, today’s Americans are suffering the most severe levels of stress to date. Suicide now outranks car accidents in leading cause of injury death in America; one-third of our nation’s employees suffer chronic debilitating stress while millions are dependent on SSRI antidepressants – highly controversial, mood-altering psychiatric drugs with the FDA’s “suicidality” warning label and alarming correlation with school shooters.

Times are tough, and events like the recent Boston Bombing remind us that everyday living is full of unpredictabilities with the power to transform individuals, families, communities, and the world at large.

Not Your Grandfather’s America

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Catherine J. Frompovich ~ America, Are War Criminals Running The USA?

Activist Post April 21 2013

Barack ObamaWith all the horror that took place in Boston, Massachusetts, April 15th and throughout the ensuing days until Friday night, April 19th, when the alleged suspect was captured, very little—if any—news reporting focused on significant national issues that ought to have been considered equally important to the well-being of the nation’s safety and security but apparently was overlooked. The New York Times, however, gave mention to “U.S. Engaged in Torture After 9/11, Review Concludes.”[1]Reading NYT journalist Scott Shane’s report, one realizes just how much the public doesn’t know but should, since the United States apparently committed what is being considered “war crimes.” That assessment came after a two year study by a bipartisan commission co-chaired by two former U.S. congressmen – Republican, Asa Hutchinson and Democrat, James R. Jones – of coercive interrogation methods used on prisoners by the George W. Bush administration.

The Constitution Project convened the study, which resulted in The Report of the Constitution Project’s Task Force on Detainee Treatment,[2] a 577-page document.

Although the report covers actions taken during three different administrations beginning with that of President Bill Clinton and ending with that of President Barack Obama, most of the activity studied here occurred during the administration of President George W. Bush. This is unavoidable as Bush was president when the horrific attacks on U.S. soil occurred on September 11, 2001, and thus had the burden of responding quickly and decisively to the situation.

While the report deals largely with the period of the Bush administration’s response to the attacks, the investigation was neither a partisan undertaking nor should its conclusions be taken as anything other than an effort to understand what happened at many levels of U.S. policymaking.[3]

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