Breaking the Spiritual Bubble

Breaking the Spiritual BubbleJennifer Hoffman – I looked through my 21 year article archive which contains over 5000 articles and various pieces of content and I do not think I have ever written about this topic before.  Maybe because until the last 5 to 6 years we had to exist in a spiritual bubble because that is how we did our energy work and maintained our energetic balance.

But now things are different. We are well into the ascension path, we are present in far greater numbers and the collective energy frequency is very high, we have done a lot of 5D integration into 3D so the density is not the problem. So what is going on? Continue reading

Gifts from everyone

LotusFlowerStarsThe Angels – Everyone who crosses your path has a gift for you. There is purpose in every single one of your human interactions, no matter how small and insignificant they might seem. There is a dance going on, universally, with only one intention – to guide each and every one of you back into the arms of Love, back into the realization that you can never be separate from the Divine. Everyone is offering you a gift that can help you on this journey. It is your task to “unwrap the Presence.”

It is easy to recognize the gift of love in the kind souls. It is much harder to recognize this gift in the unkind ones. We spoke of this last week. They are often in front of you to help you remember to love yourself, to have compassion but not pity, to “forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

It is sometimes difficult to see how those who are in need are a gift, but they too help you learn and grow into greater love. Perhaps they help you see you have something to give. They help you value yourself and your talents more. Or they might simply be placing demands upon you so you can learn good boundaries or to honor your time and resources more than you have in the past.

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Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

giftThe Angels – Celebrate the season! It is a beautiful time upon your planet earth during the holidays, when the vibration of love becomes so much stronger. You think about those you love. You plan to share with those you love. You dream of times that you loved. And some of you even love by missing those you love who are with you now only in spirit.

In any case dear ones it is also a time to love yourselves. It is very important that, as the year comes to a close, you treat yourselves with kindness. As you gift others, make the gifting process an act of love for yourself. Buy your gifts when you’re feeling the love. Get only what is within your means and if nothing is within your means, share your heart. Share sentiments of love. Share kindnesses, gifts, talents. Giving stuff is fine if you enjoy it, and if it is truly an act of love, but if not, it is better to live honestly.

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Attitude Of Gratitude

Laura Bruno’s Blog | August 14 2012

EnergyToday I am affirming a world in which people can learn to give and receive in balance, to feel the wonder of gifts and to trust that small kindnesses will indeed be repaid in full. As St. Francis says, “It is in giving that we receive.” I had an experience last night that shocked me to the core but also shed so much light (again) on just how much an addictive sense of lack and the perceived need for grasping works to turn a would-be giver away.

I gave anyway, but profound sadness surrounding this experience still lingers, mostly because I see how it plays out in our larger world. I will not invest my energy in this direction again, and that saddens me, because my heart saw so clearly the potential ripple effects of such an offering. Instead, the person received back what they gave, plus a bonus of much more, and yet the net gain for that person is a huge loss. Ingratitude severed what could have been an ongoing stream of freely offered blessings.

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