Gifts from everyone

LotusFlowerStarsThe Angels – Everyone who crosses your path has a gift for you. There is purpose in every single one of your human interactions, no matter how small and insignificant they might seem. There is a dance going on, universally, with only one intention – to guide each and every one of you back into the arms of Love, back into the realization that you can never be separate from the Divine. Everyone is offering you a gift that can help you on this journey. It is your task to “unwrap the Presence.”

It is easy to recognize the gift of love in the kind souls. It is much harder to recognize this gift in the unkind ones. We spoke of this last week. They are often in front of you to help you remember to love yourself, to have compassion but not pity, to “forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

It is sometimes difficult to see how those who are in need are a gift, but they too help you learn and grow into greater love. Perhaps they help you see you have something to give. They help you value yourself and your talents more. Or they might simply be placing demands upon you so you can learn good boundaries or to honor your time and resources more than you have in the past.

Some souls offer you the chance to say a loving “yes” while others give you the opportunity to practice a loving “no.” So look around you. Instead of saying, “Why are they doing that?” with contempt and judgment, ask yourself a different question… “How does this moment offer me an opportunity to grow into more love for myself first, then others.”

If you choose to love yourselves first, you are naturally going to be more loving. If you choose to care for yourselves first, you will by nature, wish to care for others. If you give, give from the love of doing so, because it honors your spirit and desire to give. If it does not, don’t.

Be authentic dear ones in all your interactions. Be loving and kind to yourself and others… even when you set a boundary, even when you “draw the line,” even when you have to walk away.

Every moment, and every human interaction is an opportunity for love. The moments you choose to love yourself and others are the ones that have deep and lasting value in your lives.

Ann Albers is a Guest Writer for Shift Frequency

SF Source Visions Of Heaven  June 2016

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