Living in Appreciation

 Living in AppreciationThe Angels – Those of you who are soon to celebrate your holiday of Thanksgiving know that the holiday centers around appreciation. You take time to appreciate family, friends, or some quiet time for yourself.  You take time to appreciate a diversity of food, fun, activities, or rest.

You take time to put the world’s problems aside so you can enjoy the things that truly matter in your lives – love, laughter, relaxation, sharing, & caring. Even if you spend the holiday alone in peace, you take time to commune with that which is peaceful and beautiful inside yourself. Every day can be a day of giving thanks. Every moment offers opportunities for appreciation. Continue reading

Get your Gratitude Game On

give thanksThe Angels – Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate! You can all count on the fact that we are giving thanks for you every day, and indeed in every moment of your lives. We are giving thanks for your courage, your light, your hearts, your tenacity, your willingness to be here upon the earth at this time of great and yet turbulent awakening.

We are giving thanks for your desire to live and let live. We are giving thanks for your authenticity, for your willingness to be the you that you really are, rather than the “you” others say you should be. We are giving thanks for your gatherings, your feasts, your kindness, your care, your compassion, and your grace. Continue reading

Give thanks for the future

give thanksThe Angels – As so many of you celebrate your holiday of Thanksgiving, we in the heavens give thanks for each and every one of you. We celebrate your existence. We cheer you onward. We gently guide you towards a more loving, more abundant, and more joyous existence. We comfort you, strengthen you, and help refresh your spirit while you sleep.

We are ever grateful for each and every one of you because we know, here in the heavens, that we are all connected and sourced from One love. In our deepest essence, you and we are One. The love you feel, we feel as well.

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Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

appreciateThe Angels – As so many of you approach your holiday of Thanksgiving we give thanks for all of you! With or without a holiday, every day is Thanksgiving day in the heavens! We are grateful for our existence, no matter what dimension we exist within. We are grateful for your existence. We know that each of us contributes to all others and as we witness your courage upon the earth we are inspired to assist you even more. We love you more than you can possibly imagine.

It takes courage to incarnate upon your earth. You are enrolled in a very difficult school here, a reality in which the sense of separation from the Source is very deep. You are eternal souls having a human experience and if you could truly embrace that reality, then you would live in a state of love and gratitude for all of life – what you judge good, what you judge bad, and everything in between. For in truth every soul upon the planet is just like you in that they are striving to remember their true nature, just as you are. Every soul is pure at its essence. Every soul is innocent at its core. You are too. Continue reading