Reducing Waste And Simplifying Your Home

More and more people are beginning to appreciate the importance of sustainable living, the practice of reducing their impact on Earth’s resources. You might be wondering what this looks like for you and your family. Well, the good news is that there are many different ways that you can implement sustainable living. A great way to begin is to reduce waste in your home and simplify your life. Once you get started, you may be surprised what you can live without.

Here are some tips for reducing waste and simplifying:

Reuse – Many of the items around your home can be reused for other purposes. Try reusable shopping bags the grocery store. Fill up reusable metal or glass water bottles with tap water instead of buying plastic ones. Save mailing boxes and packaging to use again when the occasion arises. Consider swapping out disposable paper towels, wax paper, and aluminum for alternatives that you can use again. Get printer ink cartridges refilled. Invest in a safety razor instead of repeatedly buying disposables. Consider composting food so that it doesn’t go to waste. Find create uses for old furniture, clothes, and appliances. Get a travel mug and bring it with you to your favorite coffee shop. Continue reading

5 Tips For Eating Healthy On A Budget

“True farmer’s markets often have very competitively-priced produce. The fruits and vegetables you find at these markets will be in-season and local as well, which means they’ll taste better and likely be better for you.” E Renter

FarmersMarketLosAngelesWhen it comes to eating healthy on a regular basis, you may think it’s impossible without breaking the bank. While true that processed food manufacturers have the corner on cheap eats, that doesn’t mean you can’t be both health-conscious and thrifty at the same time. Below you will find 5 tips for eating healthy – on a budget.

There are several things you can do to enjoy a natural foods lifestyle without spending a fortune. However, it does take some effort. Our current food system has cultivated a belief that cheap and easy is good. The belief is inherently flawed when discussing health. Instead, smart and healthy is good, and you don’t necessarily have to sacrifice reasonable costs to attain this.

1. Make a List

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10 Space Saving Ideas For Storing Your Supplies

ReadyNutrition  November 19 2013

Emergency management

Let’s face it, we have a finite amount of space in our homes to allot for our preparedness supplies. When you run out of room on the shelving systems, in the closet and under the beds, you have start getting creative in finding more space. I have personally stowed items in every nook and cranny around here. I knew that if I wanted to have a good pantry supply and also have disaster supplies on hand, I had to find hidden spaces around the home.

Here are some of the solutions that I have found.

10 Space Savers For Your Preps:

  1. Baskets and wire bins – I went to the discount stores and found large baskets on sale. I put them under chairs, benches and on consoles or cabinets. We also used them above our kitchen cabinetry.
  2. Under bed storage – Under the bed is usually the first place we turn to when our closets run out of space. I like to use plastic containers with lids that can be stored under beds. This keeps pets from opening any packages and protects it from the elements. Re-purposing old dresser drawers can also be a solution to under bed storage. And adding wheels to the bottom so they roll out will help you gain easier access.
  3. Trundle beds – If your trundle bed is going unused, it’s a great place to store your preps. Simply remove the mattress and viola! Continue reading

5 Ways to Re-Purpose Your Produce Bags

Ready Nutrition June 23 2013

CompostIn an effort to be more frugal, I am looking at ways I can re-purpose some of the items I already have in my home. I had a surplus of mesh produce bags and decided to get creative in ways to reuse them.

The next time you are at the store, pay close attention to how many products come in mesh bags: Potatoes, onions, garlic, apples, oranges, popsicles and many more. They come in a variety of sizes ranging from extra small to extra large.

Here are a few ways to reuse them and simplify your life at the same time. Continue reading

Organic Rebellion [Video]

cthefreeman May 20 2013

Heather Callaghan writes “In this family-friendly adventure you’ll meet Cuke Skywalker, Obi Wan Canoli, Princess Lettuce, Ham Solo, Chew-Broccoli, C-3Peanuts, Yogurt, Thai Fighters, Darth Tater and the Death Melon in a Grocery Store far, far away…

It’s amazing how the whole organic vs. chemical-GMO-irradiation really does match with Star Wars. It really does seem like there is a rebellion as the odds are stacked against the health-conscious buyer.”