The Wait is Over – The Shift Is Upon Us

The Wait is Over - The Shift Is Upon Us Lee Carroll – Do you remember some months ago, in sessions just like this one, I told you the energy of the harvest is at hand, and it’s time to plant the seeds you have been given metaphorically?

Old Soul, now that the shift is upon us, you plant the seeds, and they’re going to start to grow, and all manner of things are going to change as they grow, and they blossom, and you pick them, and you harvest.

And exactly what are these seeds? The seeds are a metaphor for transformation. Continue reading

Set the intent and choose to trust Love

loveJohn Smallman – There is only ONE. Every sentient conscious being is an inseparable and eternal aspect of that One. Within the One are an infinitely vast number of individual fields of consciousness that are at One, and in a state of Oneness with each other, and in that state each is constantly able to interact and communicate with all the others (those VAST numbers) singly or en masse.

So vast are those numbers that it is beyond human comprehension, in fact in Reality numbers are meaningless, they are just an aspect of the illusion that, like time, are helpful while you are in form. There are NO limits on your ability to connect, from one to one, from one to all, and from all to one. In form that would cause chaos, in Reality chaos does not and could not happen. Continue reading

What May Be Blocking Your Spirit Guides

Gaia Staff – Your angels, spirit animals and spirit guides in general are supposed to be connecting and communicating with you, offering guidance for your life and acting as a source of light and encouragement. If you aren’t experiencing this, what’s the problem? As it turns out, it’s probably largely you yourself that stands in your own way, as well as the way of your spirit guides! Everything from your attitude to even the things that you eat can affect the connection with your spirit guides.

Never fear, however, there are a lot of things you can do in order to open the channels again. You are the problem, and you are also the solution.

Here are seven common problems that almost everyone faces. Of course, there are many more that you may discover in your own journey, so take these as a beginning point of examination and take a good look at your own heart and lifestyle:


So you’re new to the spiritual work game. That is no big deal! However, it can trip you up a little if you don’t know what you’re doing.

The best practice is to not do much at all! Keep an open heart and mind, of course, but learn to relax your mind, perhaps through a daily meditation, hold onto your patience and keep your expectations realistic. Continue reading