What Do I Really Want To Do With My Life?

Inspire Me Today | August 14 2012

If you have been feeling lost in life and have found yourself wrestling with the age old question that many encounter – what do I really want to do with my life? I would first congratulate you and then ask you to consider yourself lucky for you are at a precipice of change.

Having been there personally, I know firsthand how uncomfortable things can be but I also know that if you look hard enough, this can be something that can change your life forever by helping you unlock the secret to creating a happier, rewarding and a purposeful life.

Give yourself the permission to be happy. Everyone wants to be happy yet people hold themselves back from creating true happiness in all sorts of ways. Indulging in negativity, living in constant fear and anxiety, and feeling powerless are some of the common ways how people stay unhappy.

Happiness is a choice; therefore invest your energy in everything that helps you be happy, not sabotage it.

Know You on a deep level. Your answers exist and they are buried deep within you. The problem is you have never looked deep enough. Unfortunately most of us have rarely been encouraged to look for answers within. If you are looking to create a rewarding existence including the work you love, spend some time with yourself. Take advantage of the help of outside tools that are available to help you along your journey but cultivate the habit of connecting with yourself.

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You Can Choose To Be Happy Right Now

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
November 16 2011

consciousnessNo matter if you are super rich or dirt poor, forever young or old as the Sun, happiness is ALWAYS a choice you can make and a chance you can take, right now! Make up your mind today to explore what being happy FEELS like.

Just as an experiment to prove to yourself that you can simply choose it as an experience. When you empower yourself with this awesome decision you will see it is much easier to manifest everything you want, need and desire in life, no matter what happens or does not happen in your outer world.