Give up the Battles

thoughts inspireThe Angels – In your hearts you want to be happy. In your hearts you want to feel connected. In your hearts you have dreams and desires. These exist right here, right now, within you. They are not yet tangible in your 3D reality, but they exist, nonetheless, quite real, in the world of energy.

When you think of these desires and fantasize about having them in your life, you feel good. When you think about not having them you feel bad. When you think about having them you feel inspired, guided, and clear. When you think about not having them, you can easily fall into depression, despair, and despondency. Continue reading

Brain Hack Your Way To Happy

happinessAmelia Harris – What makes you happy? This seems like a simple enough question, but really it’s not. Are we talking unbridled jubilance here, or merely a general satisfaction with life? Temporary happiness or long term? If you’re like many people, you have small moments throughout your day that make you happy. But when faced with the general question of whether you are happy in life, there is often room for improvement.

It seems that happiness, for many of us, is the proverbial dangling carrot. Always there, always in view, but slightly out of reach. It’s such a noticeable and universal feeling that, for many years now, there have been studies on the matter. For some, happiness is their ultimate goal in life. For others, it’s something other people have they just can’t seem to get a handle on. Luckily, there are things you can do right now to begin cultivating more happiness in your life. Continue reading

Find Your Own Ways To Happiness

Given all the misery in the world today, many find it hard to be happy and stay happy. On the contrary, though, happiness is not so hard to find. It’s only that many people allow external circumstances to affect them.

Of course, things would happen that would sadden us, but imbibing an attitude of happiness is key. The secret is that happiness comes from within. Therefore, you need to maintain your current spiritual energy by choosing happiness over sadness, joy over gloom always. This is how you can do it. Continue reading

Reprogramming Self at all levels

feelingsThe Angels – Before you go to bed tonight, take a few moments to think about who you wish to be. Ask yourself, “What parts of me would I like to leave behind as I ease my spirit back into the realms of Oneness tonight? What within me must be released so I can resurrect greater love, greater health, greater abundance, greater expression, and greater joy tomorrow?”

Focus on the “you” that you wish to be as you awaken in the morning. Do you want to be healthy, happy, filled with enthusiasm? Do you want to wake up feeling loved – with (or without!) a partner in the future? Do you want to wake up in an abundant reality giving thanks for all your blessings?

Imagine waking up that way. Imagine what it would feel like to wake up happy, healthy enthusiastic in a life where you feel grateful for your first breath each day! Imagine waking up feeling loved and loving! Imagine feeling wealthy in spirit and abundant in your material world. What would it feel like to wake up in that reality? Let your imagination run wild as you drift off to sleep. Take these feelings with you into your dreams. Continue reading

Sail Through Life With a Cosmic Perspective

lifePaul Bonea – It’s so easy to be sidetracked in life and miss the bigger picture, to look at what others have achieved and wonder, “What have I done this whole time?” But all feelings of inadequacy you experience are caused by losing yourself in the minutia of human life: the race be more productive, more successful, to get ahead.

Sure, those things are important, but only to a point. If you concentrate on them too much, you risk ignoring the forest for the trees. You’ll feel guilty for not being as successful as you dreamed to be, envious of people who are, or bitter if you put in the work and sweat, but things don’t seem to click.

If that happens, stop a minute. Zoom out, and look at the bigger picture:

Your own life is a miracle. At the moment, we do not know for sure if complex lifeforms (meaning bacteria and above) exist on other planets. As far as intelligent life goes, the odds can be as low as 1 in 100,000,000 planets (maybe even lower).

Viewed on a cosmic scale, the existence of a single human, you, is wondrous.

But what makes this even better, is that you are not a single wonder. As you are reading this, 7 billion other souls are breathing the same air as you, to say nothing of all the other living beings on our planet. Continue reading