Activate Your Brain’s HAPPY Switch

EnergyNatalie Ledwell – “Happiness is ___________.”

People finish this sentence in countless different ways.

For some people, happiness is having financial security, freedom from debt and poverty, and the ability to provide for their family.

For others, it’s having great relationships with amazing people, or the ability to travel, play sports, be healthy, find spiritual peace, gain insight into the meaning of life… and so on.

Most people will agree that happiness looks different to different people. Our priorities and perspectives are not the same, so it’s natural that the things we want most in life are different as well.

Most people will also agree that happiness has to do with getting what we truly want. Beyond all the superficial, day-to-day desires for things like food, shelter, and entertainment, we want the story of our lives to mean something.

Dale Carnegie once famously said: Continue reading

Happiness Affects Your Cellular Structure

happinessMarianna Pochelli, N.D. – Science is increasingly suggesting a link between happiness and health.

There is an irrefutable argument in favor of happiness: Happiness and good health go hand-in-hand. In fact scientific studies have been finding that happiness can make our hearts healthier, our immune systems stronger, and our lives longer through enhancements of our cellular structure.

Dr Derek Cox, Director of Public Health at Dumfries and Galloway NHS, suspects that for decades health professionals have been missing a big trick in improving the health of the nation. Continue reading

A Powerful Spiritual Lesson You Can Learn From Your Dog

dogKaren Roy – We have often heard the term “it’s a dog’s life.” But what does that mean? You might limit your exploration of your dog’s life to a series of days, filled with seemingly mundane events. Your dog wakes up. Your dog goes outside to do their business. Hunger brings the dog to their bowl. When they are tired, your dog lies down and sleeps. (They sleep a lot actually.)

But what you are truly witnessing is an amazingly Zen example of living life in the moment. The word “Zen” is the Japanese attempt to say the Chinese word “Chan.” The Chinese word “Chan” translates to “Dhyana,” which is a Sanskrit word for “meditation.” And before you ask – no, your dog is not meditating. But your dog is showing you how to live very much in the moment.

And have you noticed how happy your dog is? Perhaps there is something to following your dog’s example. Perhaps there is something to living your life, as the French might say, al la mode, in the moment. Okay, maybe the French don’t say that. But why can’t you? Continue reading

Ways Happiness Affects Your Cellular Structure

Happiness Marianna Pochelli, N.D. -Science is increasingly suggesting a link between happiness and health.

There is an irrefutable argument in favor of happiness: Happiness and good health go hand-in-hand. In fact scientific studies have been finding that happiness can make our hearts healthier, our immune systems stronger, and our lives longer through enhancements of our cellular structure.

Dr Derek Cox, Director of Public Health at Dumfries and Galloway NHS, suspects that for decades health professionals have been missing a big trick in improving the health of the nation.

“We’ve spent years saying that giving up smoking could be the single most important thing that we could do for the health of the nation. Continue reading