Ways To Fight Back Against The Daily Attack On Your Body

Anthony Gucciardi – Symptoms of hormonal imbalance may include PMS, osteoporosis, weight gain, altered sex drive, allergies, uterine fibroids, urinary tract infections, changes in the skin, fatigue, anxiety, water retention, hair loss, facial hair growth and even depression. By keeping hormones in balance, women can find it easier to maintain a healthy weight, keep a regular menstrual cycle, as well as exude optimal energy levels.

1. Keep Stress Levels Low

Studies show that women who participate in a daily meditation or yoga experience less hormonal swings than those who do not mediate stress in some fashion. Rest is also important. Many women have such hectic lifestyles that they give their body little time to re-adjust from life’s demands. This disrupts the natural hormones cycles in women. Find small ways to incorporate rest and relax throughout the day. Continue reading

You are a Magnificent Creator of Health

You are a Magnificent Creator of HealthLee Carroll – There are things that this body of yours does, which has only to do with consciousness, nothing else. In the last twenty years, there has been a revelation of proof. Consciousness is energy. It can alter physics.

In the past, consciousness was something esoteric, not well-definable, and it didn’t belong in physics. Now it does.

There is now a slow awareness that consciousness absolutely must be considered energy. Continue reading

Red Flags Signaling Untrustworthy Behavior

Your Healer, Therapist, Spiritual Teacher, Psychedelic Guide, Or Coach May Be UntrustworthyLissa Rankin, MD – We’d all like to believe that someone we entrust with helping us heal when we’re vulnerable can safely protect our tender hearts, confused minds, and beautiful bodies. Yet sadly, some of the most traumatized and unapologetically ruthless people hang up a shingle and call themselves a spiritual teacher, therapist, shaman, psychedelic guide, lightworker, or life coach. The red flags can be easy to spot, once you know what you’re looking for, but as my wise sage daughter said, “If you’re wearing rose colored glasses, red flags just look like flags.”

As cult recovery specialists like Steven Hassan, Janja Lalich, and Rachel Bernstein teach us, “undue influence” and “coercive control” can show up anywhere, not just in cults, but in cultic romantic relationships, abusive family systems, and sadly, even in therapeutic settings where people abuse their power over someone vulnerable. Continue reading

8 True Benefits Of Drinking Coffee You Didn’t Know About

CoffeeSteamingCupBeansIf you’ve been wondering what all that coffee is doing to you, cheer up. A recent review of data completed at Gill Heart Institute in Kentucky focused on the cardiovascular, genetic, antioxidant and caffeine effects of coffee and found that drinking the brew reduces the risk of mortality right across the board. They also documented that coffee:

  • Reduces risk of stroke
  • Does not increase risk of coronary heart disease
  • Does not increase risk of congestive heart failure and may be preventative
  • Does not increase risk of sudden cardiac death
  • Decreases risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Does not increase risk of hypertension
  • Does not increase risk of metabolic syndrome
  • Arrhythmias with coffee are not a significant factor

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7 Natural Home Remedies For Cellulite Reduction

Natural Home Remedies For Cellulite Reduction!Although everyone should learn to love and appreciate their bodies, there is a reason the word ‘cellulite’ makes some people cringe. While it is partly genetic, the cottage cheese cellulite appearance could be the result of hormonal issues, diet, other lifestyle choices, and less talked about – toxins. Even some people with relatively no fat on them have cellulite lurking on their thighs or hips.

While you could spend hundreds on the latest chemical-topical solution that may or may not do any good, you could also improve the condition of your skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite naturally, with food. And while reducing cellulite may not be super easy to achieve (especially in today’s ‘perfect body’ society), home remedies for cellulite reduction do exist. Continue reading