Create Heart Wholeness

Jennifer Hoffman | Uriel Heals
December 12 2011

Creating the partnership between ego and Spirit, an aspect of your healing journey for each lifetime, is one of many life purposes. Another is to create wholeness in your heart, so that your heart energy includes the combined aspects of the high and low heart energies. The high heart is the spirit-filled, unconditional love energy of your divine heritage. The low heart reflects the karmic journey, soul wounds and other energies gathered over lifetimes of experience in the emotional energy of the third dimension. Heart wholeness occurs when these two energies are blended, allowing the low heart to be healed and reflect the unconditional love the high heart holds for it.

The whole heart is peaceful and joyful. It needs nothing yet all of its needs are always met. It may experience sorrow yet is in joy in every circumstance because it knows faith and trust. It is always in a state of love and does not require another to be an example of love. It is powerful and compassionate, energetically balanced and seeks the highest vibration in all things. It is part of each of you, your reminder of the unconditional love you have come from and are returning to. The whole heart is your pathway to the peace, joy and love that is the healing you seek throughout your lifetime in all things. To find it, you must learn to seek within and to connect to the divinity within.

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