Is The Universe Made Of Math? [Excerpt]

ScientificAmerican  January 10 2014

Excerpted with permission from Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality, by Max Tegmark. Available from Random House/Knopf. Copyright © 2014.

basketballWhat’s the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything? In Douglas Adams’ science-fiction spoof “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, the answer was found to be 42; the hardest part turned out to be finding the real question. I find it very appropriate that Douglas Adams joked about 42, because mathematics has played a striking role in our growing understanding of our Universe.

The Higgs Boson was predicted with the same tool as the planet Neptune and the radio wave: with mathematics. Galileo famously stated that our Universe is a “grand book” written in the language of mathematics. So why does our universe seem so mathematical, and what does it mean? In my new book “Our Mathematical Universe”, I argue that it means that our universe isn’t just described by math, but that it is math in the sense that we’re all parts of a giant mathematical object, which in turn is part of a multiverse so huge that it makes the other multiverses debated in recent years seem puny in comparison.

Math, math everywhere!

But where’s all this math that we’re going on about? Isn’t math all about numbers? If you look around right now, you can probably spot a few numbers here and there, for example the page numbers in your latest copy of Scientific American, but these are just symbols invented and printed by people, so they can hardly be said to reflect our Universe being mathematical in any deep way.

Because of our education system, many people equate mathematics with arithmetic. Yet mathematicians study abstract structures far more diverse than numbers, including geometric shapes. Do you see any geometric patterns or shapes around you? Here again, human-made designs like the rectangular shape of this book don’t count. But try throwing a pebble and watch the beautiful shape that nature makes for its trajectory! The trajectories of anything you throw have the  same shape, called an upside-down parabola. When we observe how things move around in orbits in space, we discover another recurring shape: the ellipse. Moreover, these two shapes are related: the tip of a very elongated ellipse is shaped almost exactly like a parabola, so in fact, all of these trajectories are simply parts of ellipses.

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The Science Delusion [Audio]

RedIceRadio | January 2 2013

British biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, one of the world’s most innovative scientists, is the author of more than 80 scientific papers and ten books and is best known for his groundbreaking theory of morphic resonance.

In this program we discuss Rupert’s latest book “The Science Delusion.” He begins with an overview of the ten dogmas of science. According to these dogmas, all of reality is material or physical, the world is an inanimate machine, nature is purposeless, free will is an illusion, notions of higher orders of consciousness and absolute “God” awareness exists only as ideas in human minds, which are themselves nothing but electrochemical processes imprisoned within our skulls.

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The Dynamics Of The New Resistance

Activist Post | August 14 2012 | Thanks, VK

Higgs Boson
Freezelight Clock Screensaver (click image for more info)

By all accounts time is speeding up and space-time is contracting. As we move further into 2012 this phenomenon is almost palpable. Just where do the hours and days go?

Terence McKenna, the late psychedelics-inspired luminary, spoke of an imminent convergence of time-lines that would bring about a ‘singularity’ event: the point where past, present and future become fused into the vibrant chords of the ‘here and now’. Just what might such an event portend?

Time is a human invention, a tool for measuring the changing circadian paths of the planets, the phases of the moon, the passage of night and day. It is a useful device, but can easily become the opposite when relied upon too heavily. Indeed, the division of time into hours, minutes and seconds has mostly been used to delineate the financial value of the working day – a far cry from its cosmic origins.

McKenna’s singularity event describes the condensing of all ‘time’ (past events) into an ever more energised and suspended state of ‘presence’. For example, he speaks of the condensing of the last 64 years into just 12 months. A process that captures and passes through to us the vibratory ‘echo’ of significant historical events that have taken place over the intervening decades.

As these spiralling time lines pass ever closer to each other at ever shorter intervals, ‘time’ appears to speed up and we are moved ever closer to the ‘simultaneity’ event: an hourglass of tightly swirling energy whose vortex we ultimately pass through, emerging out on the ‘other side’.

Now, you don’t pass through a vortex and remain the same person you were when you went in! Such is the dynamic that our vibratory levels resonate at a higher frequency during this passage and at a higher level of consciousness. It is what the Saddhus of India extol their disciples to achieve: the state of “Be Here Now”. Westerners may prefer to call this experience a ‘rights of passage’. Those on this journey will get further support by dint of our planet’s shifting into an alignment with the centre of our Galaxy.

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