Focus Energy with ‘I Am Presence’ into Your Heart

energyI Focus Energy Into My Heart

I breathe deeply.

In the fifth dimension my consciousness is anchored in my heart. I experience that reality as a deep sense of unconditional love and connection to All That Is. I feel also the deep peace that is part of this consciousness.

I move energy from my heart downwards through the solar plexus, the sacral and the base chakras – down into the earth star chakra located within the earth just beneath my feet. Continue reading

Your Life Tests Nudge You In The Right Direction

EarthPleiadian High Council – Your paths are now clearly being laid out before you. As this year progresses and the energies hitting your planet increase moment by moment in scope and purity, many of you are beginning to realize that the old simply cannot exist anymore. The dense and faded energies of the old, the old that has been the norm on your world for so very long, are to be transmuted and have their energetic templates changed to that of a Lighted, Loving energy.

The old has been disintegrating for some time and as you continue to feed the lower vibrations that are ceasing increasingly to be on your world, you are finding that you are being nudged toward activities, thoughts and feelings that are of the Light rather than of the dark, as the duality of your world is beginning to cease.

The arrival and establishment of these energies could not come to be if it was not for you on Earth who have put in the energy and effort to make it so. You have given so much of yourselves to Earth and her ascension, and many of you are incarnate on Earth to serve exactly the purpose you are serving now.

So we ask you at this stage in the game, would it make sense to turn back to what you have known as familiar, to those older and lower energies that you have felt comfortable in, but that have also caused you pain and hardships whilst living and existing in? We can feel that many of you will make the choices that are most aligned with your Life paths, and we can feel that the lower-dimensional tests that many of you have been going though, are nudging you in the right direction.

If only you knew how planned and coordinated your Lives really are, and your Lives are not in fact coordinated by us. The events that manifest in your lives are first planned by you in accordance with your Higher Self and many aspects of your Higher Self which have been funneled down to exist in realities slightly more pure than your third/fourth dimensional reality in which you are currently Living. These funneled-down yet more advanced parts of yourselves exist just beyond the sphere of third and fourth dimensionality, and they are simply awaiting your presence on ever higher planes of existence, so that they can guide you and help you to learn for your and their experiences.

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How To Contact Your Higher Self

higher self contactMissy Marston – Your higher self is who you truly are – an absolute conglomeration of your soul consciousness – while your self on Earth is simply a projection of your higher self.

Your higher self remembers all your past lives, all your past soul contracts as well as your current one, and is basically a more complete version of your self on Earth.

Your higher self has the job to keep you on track to accomplish whatever you agreed to do when you were born. Continue reading

AA Michael February 2016 Message

lifeRonna Star – Beloved masters, at the present time you may wonder why we are not relaying much new information to you, but are more or less repeating wisdom teachings of the past. We have told you—through the many messengers of Light who have devoted much of their time and energy to bringing forth the wisdom teachings for your Ascension in consciousness—we have now given you the major, important teachings for this particular round of the Ascension process. We are focusing on past teachings—refining and upgrading them—for a reason. Repetition is one of the best ways to help you integrate and retain the higher frequency teachings of the future.

We understand that it is exciting and tantalizing to constantly receive new, radical and sensational information; however, we ask you, “Have you integrated and perfected all the teachings that have been given? Have you accomplished all of the goals necessary to competently and easily access and live in a Fifth-Dimensional environment?”

A limited number of advanced Souls have achieved that goal; however, the majority of you are still in various stages of completing the final, critical Rites of Passage that are needed to achieve entry into the Fifth Kingdom of God-consciousness. Patience and a willingness to allow the process to unfold in its own time are what is needed during this critical stage of higher consciousness integration. Whether you are in an intense period of testing or growth, or whether you are in a “null zone,” or a time of “sanctuary and contemplation,” it is vastly important that you allow your OverSoul/Higher Self to orchestrate the tempo and timing of the final stages of the process. Continue reading