You Are Perfect Just The Way You Are

perfectYou are perfect just the way you are.

You are stronger than you know.

The traits you admire in others are traits you also possess.

Believe in yourself. Quit looking outside of yourself for your answers; you will never find them that way. Your answers are inside of you. Besides, no one knows better than you what it is you need out of life.

You already are that which you seek.

Question everything. How can you know what feels right if you don’t understand what you’re dealing with? And just because someone else believes something doesn’t mean it’s right for you. This includes your own beliefs. Do they empower you or diminish you?

The same is true for the people in your life – do they make you feel good about yourself or do they leave you feeling drained? Ditch the ones that don’t empower you to make room for the ones that bring you joy. Life is too short – and wonderful – to be miserable. Trust yourself to recognize truth when you encounter it.

You can’t please everyone, so stop trying. Do the things that make you happy with the people who make you happy and do them as often as possible.

Tell those you love how you feel. It may be the last time you see them.

Pause. You can’t hear the voice of God or your Higher Self if you are constantly busy. Sit. Breathe. Listen. Taste. Smell. Appreciate. Give thanks.

Talk to God. S/He hears you.

Body, mind, and spirit must be in balance in order for one to be whole. Nurture each of these equally.

Believe in the impossible.

Never, never, NEVER give up on your dreams. They’re the key to the purpose of your life. When you follow your dreams, the Universe will open doors for you that you never knew existed.

Your ego will fight to the death to convince you that it must – in all circumstances – remain in control. This is an illusion. Trust your heart; “Let go and let God,” as the saying goes.

Know that you always have a choice, even when it doesn’t seem like it. In each and every moment you can choose what to believe and how to react. Thoughts become reality, so choose wisely!

Be honest.

If you always settle for less, that’s exactly what you’ll continue to get. Expect the best! What have you got to lose?

Begin each day by asking God or the Universe, “Surprise me with something wonderful today.” Be sure to utter a quick “Thanks!” when it happens.

Take care of yourself first because if you don’t, you won’t have the strength to care for anyone else.

Step outside your comfort zone and do something new. It will enrich your life in ways you never expected.

Be yourself. You are unique, with gifts attributed only to you. It’s your duty to hone those gifts and to share them with others. This is the definition of joy and the purpose of your life.

There is nothing in the universe greater than love. Although those we love may pass away, the love we shared endures forever.

All you really have is NOW, so what are you waiting for?

SF Source Inspire Me Today  August 27 2012

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