Monsanto, FDA, Big Pharma – A Racketeering Triangle

milkKelly Stone – Though there are many different diet and health philosophies in our society, nearly everyone can agree that the habitual intake of modified and denatured foods can eventually lead to a loss in health and vitality.

Highly processed foods are being linked to more and more health problems, but if one were suspicious, one might wonder… if there were really evil people in the world, might they use this knowledge to their advantage?

But are there really “evil people” in the world? Are there actually people out there who would knowingly and intentionally undermine the health of others? Oh you bet your sweet bippy.

But why? Just tilt your reading glasses this way and discover one of the biggest rackets in human history, à la “Food and Drug”

How does this racket operate? Here’s one example:

Got Milk? Big Pharma sure hopes so – so long as it’s not the “raw stuff” humans have been drinking safely for thousands of years, of course.

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