The Most Important Key Of All

Neale Donald Walsch | Neale Donald Walsch
December 8 2011

We continue this week our ongoing series on The Holy Experience. As I said last week, the second step in creating the Holy Experience is understanding that you are worthy of having it. This understanding is born of the clarity that God finds us whole, complete, and perfect just as we are, in this moment, for we are not judged by God in any way.

Yet even if we accept that God will never judge us and never has, there is still the question of our own self-judgment–the harshest judgment of all. And so a major process for us, a huge portion of our internal work and of our personal preparation for the Holy Experience, and what we termed the most important key of all, has to do with self-forgiveness.

Almost always it is easier for people to embrace the idea that God forgives them than it is for them to forgive themselves. We have a whole list of “wrongs” we imagine ourselves to have done in our lives, and we can’t forget them.

We, and only we, know the inner workings of our mind, the quiet scheming of our heart, the sad assessment of our very human conscience, as we look at our lives and give ourselves a grade.

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