It’s now a “human right” to NOT be offended

Simon Black – In the latest episode of the completely psychotic breakdown of Western values, Canada’s government has just passed a law that champions sexual identity over science.

human rightIt’s called C-16, “An Act to Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code”.

Both of these codes prohibit discrimination against individuals based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.

And this new law includes gender identity in that list.

Great. Nothing wrong with that. All they’re basically saying with these amendments is that transgendered individuals have the same inalienable rights as everyone else.

It’s sad that they actually have to pass a law to enshrine someone’s human rights… and one day our descendants will wonder why that was even necessary, just as today we are appalled that the institution of slavery ever existed.

But as usual there are some problems with the law. Not just the new law, in fact, but with Canada’s entire Human Rights Act.

I found a number of articles online stating that this new law “criminalizes the incorrect use of gender pronouns,” i.e. if someone born a “he” chooses to be “she”, and you say “Mr.” instead of “Ms.,” you’re going to jail.

To be clear, that’s NOT what this new law says. But the danger lies in the incredible ambiguity of the entire Human Rights code.

Section (14)(1), for example, states that “it is a discriminatory practice . . . to harass an individual on a prohibited ground of discrimination. . .” which includes race, religion, etc. and now sexual identity.

This is where things start to become unglued.

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