The Quiet Heart

Zen-Haven July 19 2013

The way to eliminate the weight or anguish of your life quickly is to begin to discipline and control the ego. There is no emotional pain that is not ego-driven. We don’t want to eliminate the ego completely. Otherwise we’d be wandering

around the house each morning, drinking coffee for hours, saying “Who the hell am I?” We need the ego to sustain a sense of identity.

However, if you’ll start by calling ego’s bluff, and understanding the games it gets you into, you can develop strategies for managing things better. You really don’t need any qualification or high-powered university degree to understand the psychology of the ego’s machinations. Its ways are predictable and easy to understand.

Watch when it suckers you into importance. Stifle it when it seeks more and more gratification. Ignore it when it offers a hundred questions. Answer most of its questions — let it know that you’re not interested and that you just don’t care.

When you experience frustration, look for the vision that’s denied. Look at the time frames you’ve invested that vision with. Develop patience. If you see yourself as an infinite being, you have all eternity. You can wait forever if needs be.

When angry, look for the loss. When you’re sad, also look for the loss — sadness is just another manifestation of the same reaction. It’s OK to be sad sometimes. Just agree to whatever loss is making you sad, then look for freshness and beauty and the life force. Happiness returns in a moment.

Remember, all mental weight comes from the interaction of two or more opposing forces in your mind — your reaction to circumstance, and your opinion or desire. You can fix most of the contradictions by controlling circumstances better and learning not to react when they don’t suit. If you have less resistance, your opinions and desires will be less rigid. You’ll learn to flow through life rather than fight your way along.

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The Pleiadian Light: Bridging the Emptiness

Hannah Beaconsfield | June 2 2012

Disengaging the Ego from Its 3D Connections

Transformation. The winds of change that are blowing through your world consciousness are creating new patterns of reality. Part of pattern creation is pattern destruction. This is the breaking down of old forms to make way for new ones. Many aspects of the old reality are used to create the new patterns of the transformed planetary unit. Old patterns are incorporated into the new.

Applying these general circumstances to the individual human struggling with the ascension of the species, this reads as a tearing down of all ego-centered aspects of the personality, the identity, and the integrated unit of body, mind, and spirit that is the total self. If this were accomplished all at once it would be too much to handle. It is, however, being brought about by incremental steps of tearing down and building up simultaneously. But there are points at which the individual may become so dismantled as to feel vacant, or even hitting a bottom where hope is obliterated.

Why should hitting bottom be necessary? And hitting repeated bottoms in the process of ascending? Is it really necessary to assassinate Pollyanna? The ever-hopeful Pollyanna is a 3D compensatory construct and a portion of the ego. The ego must be broken down and reformed into a mosaic that represents the new self. The ego, in 3D, exists in an environment of past experiences, future hopes, and a present colored by judgments. The ego does helps to maintain the integrity of the total self, but in order to bring in aspects of 4D/5D realities; the ego must be disengaged to reset the programming.

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Embrace Your Ego

Inspire Me Today | May 14 2012

Our greatest fears can become our greatest accomplishments. ~ Tara Taylor

If I could share 500 words of wisdom to summarize what I’ve learned so far in life, these are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…

That we are all extremely intuitive and when one understands the true function of the ego is when one is able to deepen one’s connection with their intuition.

We receive a minimum of 500 intuitive messages a day, we have just forgotten how to see, hear, feel or know that intuitive message because we have numbed our senses over the years. We are constantly distracted by outside influences and because of that we ignore the messages coming from within and/or we allow our unbalanced ego to discount our intuitive messages.

I have learned that if we embrace the ego and start to be thankful for the ego’s role in our lives, we stop fighting ourselves and we learn what our ego sounds like and the language it uses. The ego was created to give choice/free will and perspective; our egos just want to be acknowledged. The ego does not care if you follow its guidance; the ego just wants to be heard so that it has done its job because your ego’s role is to help you achieve greatness. The ego uses words like should, could, would, how and what if.

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Life Is A Merry-Go-Round Of Illusions

Inspire Me Today | May 9 2012

Life is a merry-go-round of illusions. ~ Ian Fox

Don’t waste your life, your beauty, your infinite connection to all things, worrying, overworking and collecting “material things!”

Control your ego; temper your desires and let forgiveness, love and personal freedom be the beacon that guides you.

Awaken from the delusion of having to show off and prove yourself to others. The best house, car, clothes and latest gadget mean little, because they are not who you really are beyond thought and form. The things you want to own, invariably end up owning you. They become the “screws” of your life, nailing you to the floor, preventing you from spanning new pastures. You are more than what you own and not defined by what you owe.

Step off the mouse wheel by refraining from doing things you hate, decorating your life with ego fuelled crud and people who see you as a means to an end. You’re not a slave to someone else’s agenda. You’re a free spirit, not a worshipper to the daily rituals of modern society.

Step back and see the merry-go-round of illusions for what it is. There is nothing wrong in wanting better things in life. As long as you are not paying for them long after the shine has worn off and the ephemeral ego-fix has evaporated. Today’s treasure is tomorrow’s trash! Tame your mind with spiritual awareness, discipline and practice delayed gratification. Don’t conform, reform!

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How to Start Attracting Financial Abundance

Jafree Ozwald  | Enlightened Beings | March 31 2012

“The Universe has billions of ways to keep us humble and fascinated all at the same time.” ~Mike Pearson

There are many people in the world who don’t realize that the Universe is a magical, intelligent and abundant playground. They are blinded by limiting thoughts and feelings around money. These beliefs distract them from being open, loving and appreciative for what they do have and tapping into the abundant Universe that is available. It is this addiction to desire, to constantly wanting this or that and not getting the ego’s needs met, which eventually creates the lacking stuck feeling on the inside which later manifests into their bank account in the outer world.

Consciously or unconsciously, you are creating your financial situation everyday. We are either in the habit of proclaiming to the Universe that we are lacking and there is just not enough, OR we are being thankful and appreciative for everything that we do have. Once you see that your thoughts are creating each and every moment of reality, any previous cycle of financial stuckness can dissolve instantly from your life.

What you think about is what you get. If you visualize the end of the month is going to be tough and feel a ‘squeeze’ happening there, you are manifesting a future financial crunch, and may suddenly feel more stressed, hurried and serious about life. If you were only looking into your future feeling a sense of abundance with a deep calm serene energy, you’d manifest a very abundant joyful life. We always manifest situations which mirror the consciousness of where we are at. Whatever the mind dwells upon, is what we manifest.

Everything changes when you see that right now you have the opportunity to change your financial future. You can step outside of your financial box, and explore what it’s like that life is easy for you. Stop affirming to the Universe (through complaining) that there’s never enough of this or that. Focus instead on gratitude, and you’ll start seeing opportunities around every corner, knowing this life is a gift everywhere you go.

All suffering comes from a deep demanding and grasping habit that states, “life should be something other than what it is.” When you relinquish the addiction to this type of thinking you’ll discover deeper feelings of joy, peace and abundance inside. Through the mindful practice of sitting back from your thoughts, observing the minds habit, inner peace will find you. You may or may not get all of your ego’s needs, wants and desires met in life, yet one day you might discover something much better…the secret to totally transcend the habit of suffering.

“The secret of happiness lies in the mind’s release from worldly ties.” ~Buddha

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