Speak That Which Cannot Be Spoken

Jafree Ozwald  | Enlightened Beings | March 25 2012

“Why hanker for security? Life is insecure in its very nature, hence it is simple logic: those who want to be more alive, they have to live in insecurity. The greater the insecurity, the more will be your aliveness.” ~Osho

Each one of us naturally carries a deep and sacred clarity about ourselves and our world. We were born with a crystal clear perception of life that has no judgments nor any limiting beliefs. However, through the years this innate understanding became clouded by others judgments, opinions and misperceptions. Habitual thinking patterns soon developed that were embedded with gobs of assumptions, societal beliefs, and countless stories about what limited and powerless human beings we really are. With all of this misunderstanding, the mind could assume that this whole world was unjust, and that human interactions were a constant struggle we all just had to deal with to survive.

The habit of unclear seeing can be so cloudy that you don’t realize you’ve got it. If you feel that you’re in a whirlpool of challenges and have been suffering on any level for weeks or months, you will want to break out of this spinning toilet bowl of limited thinking and simply return to your greatest truth. Your greatest truth is that which liberates you on the deepest level and causes your life to overflow with joy and ease. It is your most natural state of being that has the taste of unbounded freedom! When we can clearly know our truth and feel what is exactly going on within our heart, we become aligned with our soul’s mission and feel a deep aliveness bubbling up from within. The truth brings us into the experience of “divine alignment” with the whole Universe, where every day feels like you’re floating down a fun effortless river made of milk and honey.

My invitation for you today just might be the most radical and challenging task you’ve ever received in your life. The action in itself is one that any child could easily conquer, yet for a mature adult it may bring you down to your knees. Its only for those who want to become unstoppably successful in every area of their lives. If this is you, then read on. If you want to feel totally alive, overflowing with tremendous joy and freedom in this lifetime then give yourself plenty of courage to attempt this mission.

“Look within. Be still. Free from fear and attachment, Know the sweet joy of living in the way. ~Buddha, from the Dhammapada

Yes, be aware, this assignment is not for the halfhearted. It may bring up the greatest amount of fear you’ve ever discovered. Yet, it’s good to know that all fear is simply excitement in disguise. So I hope that you can get excited about this invitation, and see it as special journey in unraveling yourself. I believe that all you’ll need is 15 seconds of courage to complete this assignment, that will shift your life in the most profound ways.

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Bless and Release

Enlightening Life | March 18 2012

This is the Archangel Uriel channeled message for March 19, 2012

The process of transformation begins when you are aware of your dissatisfaction or unhappiness with your current reality. Energetically this has already happened for you in spirit at your highest levels of being, and as it begins to enter the density of your physical, mental and emotional awareness, you can either step into judgment or look for places to release energy. If you judge the situation you are empowering your fear. If you bless and release it, you embrace the new energies that are possible for you and allow transformation to occur.

Transformation occurs with the release, through energetic disconnection and closure, of what no longer serves your highest good and ascension path. In spirit this is a natural process and allows ascension to occur effortlessly. Ascension is a movement of energy from lower to higher levels, it is an awakening of your divinity and a re-connection of the human and divine within you. But within the density of humanity it is an opportunity for judgment and fear, of assuming a level of completion that may not be a potential for a situation. Your ego wants to be successful, in joy and at peace with every situation. Sometimes you must simply bless and release.

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