Build Back Borderless, Bankrupt, and Broken

Build Back Borderless, Bankrupt, and BrokenJ. B. Shurk – Remember: the same people who cannot protect the border from foreign invaders want you to believe that they can control inflation, COVID, and climate change. While they lose the war against drug cartels in their own backyard, they want you to think that they can successfully manage wars on the other side of the globe.

While small towns struggle with transnational gang battles, urban homeless shelters overflow, and record-high overdose deaths cripple American society, the government’s crack team of nation-killers ignore the country’s pressing threats and instead preach about racism, “green” energy, and the importance of welcoming men in girls’ restrooms. Continue reading

Comey Should Be Indicted for Cover-up of Trump Surveillance

Carter Brown – Larry Klayman, President of Freedom Watch and the founder of Judicial Watch, wrote an open letter calling for former FBI Director James Comey to be indicted for obstruction of justice.

comeyKlayman accused Comey of burying evidence from a whistleblower he worked with that may verify POTUS Trump was surveilled by the Obama administration.

Klayman represents Dennis Montgomery, a whistleblower TGP detailed in a recent article, who delivered 47 hard drives with over 600 million pages of information coming out of that to Comey’s general counsel James Baker. Comey did nothing with the information.

The following is an excerpt from Klayman’s open letter:

As I explained in the below embedded radio appearance at, where I exchanged views with the talented host, Franklin Raff, it is Comey himself, along with his staff, that deep-sixed their claimed investigation of Dennis Montgomery, a NSA/CIA whistleblower who came forward over two years ago, under grant of immunity, with 47 hard drives and over 600 million pages of information and then provided sworn testimony to FBI Agents Walter Giardina and William Barnett, showing that the intelligence agencies had not only “wiretapped,” in the form of unconstitutional surveillance, Trump, his associates and his family, but also other prominent Americans such as the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges and persons like myself who challenge or even criticize government misconduct and illegality. Continue reading