Indigos Crystals and the Blessings of Being Different

Indigos Crystals and the Blessings of Being DifferentJennifer Hoffman – We continue down the ascension river and it feels like we are beginning to hit the white water rapids. We are still in the Alpha Omega Portal window that began on February 20 and we’re approaching an eclipse on April 20, as well as a Mercury retrograde and the end of this unusually long Alpha Omega portal.

Plus, this week we had the annual Sun Jupiter conjunction in Aries, which has not happened since 1964. So much energy moving that it is hard to keep up, much less stay balanced, centered, and grounded. Continue reading

Indigo Children And The 3 Stages Of Life

Zen-Haven May 23 2013

babySo-called new-age and spiritualistic believers think that new generations of children are more intelligent than past generations of children.

Although it is important to finally start recognising that children are human and no less stupid than their so-called elders, I doubt very much that this is the case. But again and again articles pop up about so-called special children, most of the time called “indigo children”, “star seeds” and “crystal children”. As for instance in the article: “Leading scientists shocked by the achievements of Russian indigo-children,” that appeared on the website “The Voice of Russia” on January 17. (source)

The three invented life-boxes of a human life

The fact is that child humans like most adult humans have been forcibly squeezed into narrowed life-boxes, designed and defined by science, economics and politics since the start of the “Scientific Revolution” and the subsequent “Industrial Revolution”. As a consequence of especially the “Industrial Revolution” work or labour became only labour if it was done for third parties and was paid for by these third parties.

The payment, working hours and labour circumstances usually based on their whim and will. Slavery, and child slavery, for instance, abounded in the first period of the “Industrial Revolution”. And still does. Just read Charles Dickens, who lived during the start of it. And just look how these days so-called menial jobs, like for instance the job of supplementing products on the shelves of supermarkets, are taken over more and more by younger and younger humans or “cheap” labourers.

But not because of social and humanitarian reasons, but because of narrowed capitalistic economy reasons.

The latest whim by Australian capitalist Gina Rinehart for instance can be read on the website of the Daily Mail in the article: “World’s richest woman calls for Australians to take a pay cut – ‘because African workers are willing to earn just $2 a day’” (source). Last year already she made the news. On the website “Digital Journal” the following article appeared: “World’s richest woman says ‘jealous’ poor should work harder” in which can be read:

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What You Hear Depends On How You Listen

Enlightening Life | July 23 2012

CommunicationOne thing I have stressed in many articles about Indigo and Crystal children is how important it is to communicate with them. And this extends beyond talking, it is actually more focused on listening and knowing what to listen to and for. As a rule, Indigos don’t talk much and don’t like to talk about themselves so what they do share becomes very important, especially when we’re dealing with children who are depressed, using drugs, looking for their life path or are at risk. It can be very easy to assume that because they don’t talk they don’t have anything to say or don’t want to talk to us but that’s not true, we just need new listening skills.

I remember listening to conversations between my children and their friends and although they never seemed to say much to each other, what little they did say appeared to have a big impact. When I asked my son about it, he said ‘Mom, I know what he wants to say.’ So, what do your children want to say that they don’t have the words for? In my experience, the call frequency says a lot. If I hear from them more than once a week, there’s a problem and I ask about what’s going on in their life instead of waiting for them to get around to telling me. If they talk about how upset they are with world events, I ask what’s upset them recently. And if they ask about me a lot, they miss me and need some mothering.

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The New Children, Indigo Children, Crystal Children [Video]

Zeurit1 | May 15 2012

8 Min. Documentary on the new generation of children known for their abilities. The documentary touches on both scientific and theoretical aspects of the topic. Directed by Hector Sierra. Produced by Lucas Gath.

Meet the Rainbow Children!

They are the embodiment of our divinity and the example of our potential. The Rainbow Children have never lived on this planet before, and they’re going straight to the Crystal Children as their moms and dads. These children are entirely fearless of everybody. They’re little avatars who are all about service. These are children who are only here to give—Rainbow Children are already at their spiritual peak.

Then, there’s the Crystal Children.

The first thing that most people notice about them is their eyes—large, penetrating and wise beyond their years. The Crystal Children’s eyes lock on and hypnotize you, while you realize your soul is being laid bare for these children to see. Perhaps you’ve noticed this special new “breed” of children rapidly populating our planet. They are happy, delightful and forgiving. This generation of new lightworkers, roughly ages 0 through 7, are like no previous generation. Ideal in many ways, Crystal Children are the pointers for where humanity is headed . . . and it’s a good direction!