Indigos Crystals and the Blessings of Being Different

Indigos Crystals and the Blessings of Being DifferentJennifer Hoffman – We continue down the ascension river and it feels like we are beginning to hit the white water rapids. We are still in the Alpha Omega Portal window that began on February 20 and we’re approaching an eclipse on April 20, as well as a Mercury retrograde and the end of this unusually long Alpha Omega portal.

Plus, this week we had the annual Sun Jupiter conjunction in Aries, which has not happened since 1964. So much energy moving that it is hard to keep up, much less stay balanced, centered, and grounded.

But we should be celebrating because all of the pioneers and way-showers who have the Indigo and Crystal energy are seeing the results of lifetimes of effort as an awakening world seeks answers, guidance, support, and change. It has not always been like this, as you know, and the work is not done yet but maybe the Indigo and Crystal generations are beginning to realize the mission and purpose of their chosen paths and how important it is for them to claim and use these energetic pathways.

Are you an Indigo or a Crystal energy? Let’s look at that because most of you are and knowing that, and how to use these gifts gives you a whole different perspective on your life.

I don’t exactly remember when I realized that I was different from most of the people in my family. Maybe it was because I was the one who was paralyzed for 5 years, or maybe it was because my brother and sister, who were 11 months apart in age, looked like twins and I looked much different.

Maybe it was because I would get very angry at being lied to, unfairly blamed, or the game playing and manipulation that I experienced with my parents. I always felt like I was born into the wrong family and they were not my people.

Maybe it was the feeling that other people seemed to get it in life and I just couldn’t. When I read about Indigo and Crystal energies in the late 1990s, it all began to make sense and I knew that this was my answer.

Now it didn’t solve anything at the time, it just gave me an understanding and the knowledge that I was ‘different’ so I needed to do things differently. I could not conform to the status quo, so I needed to be content with creating my own paradigm for my life.

I first remember reading about Indigo and Crystal energies in the late 1990s, but the term Indigo energy was first identified in the mid-1970s by Nancy Tappe, a psychic who could see auras and noticed that children born in the 1960s and 1970s had the color indigo in their auras, which she had never seen before.

Now I know that the Indigo generations started arriving around the 1950s and they have been around for centuries, but it wasn’t until the 1950s that we started seeing greater numbers of them, maybe because there was a greater acceptance of all things spiritual and intuitive at the time.

But after this brief reveal in the 1990s the interest in these energies disappeared and Indigo and Crystals, not liking the spotlight, were rather relieved. Their work continued, in the background for the most part, and now they are coming forward again as the need for the Indigo action and truth and the Crystal empathy and light are needed more than ever.

As we go barreling forward with this ascension cycle, and we are really on a roll now, the Indigo and Crystal energies are making a comeback and it is time to bring them back into the open so they can help with the work of dis-integrating the 3D paradigm and ushering in the 5D alignments because Indigo and Crystal energy is at the 5D frequency, that’s why they have such a hard time in life. Surprised to hear that? Well, let’s learn some more about these wonderful energies.

But what are these Indigo and Crystal energies and why are they important now? I began writing about the Indigo and Crystal energies in late 2004 when I realized that the Indigo energy exactly described me and that most of my readers were Indigos and Crystals. For 9 years I wrote articles, taught workshops, and provided coaching and mentoring for my Indigo and Crystal audiences. Then they went into a sort of hibernation until the next ascension cycle that needed their energy came around. And here we are.

Indigo and Crystal energies are different and yet they share one important aspect – they are the ascension generations that bring new energies and 5D frequencies to humanity. As the way showers and pioneers they are not always accepted or acknowledged, sometimes they are widely rejected and persecuted, but they have been with each generation to ground the energy in humanity and on the planet until there would be a big enough awakening for them to be fully appreciated, acknowledged, and understood.

If you’re wondering if you are an Indigo or a Crystal energy, or both, here are some of their characteristics – this is a short list, there are many more that may apply to you:

Here are a few of the Indigo energy traits:

♦ Highly intuitive, empathic and psychically sensitive
♦ Disruptive, unruly and argumentative
♦ Very creative in the arts, music, technology and writing
♦ Opposed to rules and regulations
♦ Prone to addictions and depression

Here are some of the Crystal energy traits:

♦ Very empathic, to the level of processing energy for the planet
♦ Quiet and withdrawn, can also be very shy
♦ Very musically or artistically talented
♦ See angels, spirits and can communicate with them
♦ Can be born with memories of life on the ‘other side’
♦ Finds the world confusing, intimidating, and loud

You can have a combination of Indigo and Crystal traits too.

And if you spent most of your life feeling like you didn’t fit in, you were different, you always felt like an outsider, you never really got the rules of life, you are a little overwhelmed and intimidated by people and their energy, you’re in a good club, welcome to the Indigo and Crystal energy.

Why is this important now? Because every generation has a small group of people that bring in new thoughts, ideas, and perspectives that are initially perceived as being outrageous to shocking heresy and everything in between. A quick reminder here – when Pluto entered Aquarius in 1778 it ushered in a period called the Age of Enlightenment.

A lot of new thinkers, philosophers, artists, painters, musicians, scientists, and writers suddenly became popular and were in the public spotlight. Now they had been around for years and no one had given them much thought. Some of them had to work in secret so they were not arrested, persecuted, or worse. But after 1778 a new perception was available and suddenly these enlightened free thinkers were able to share their messages and thoughts without too much push back.

Does anyone remember that we are in a new Age of Enlightenment in 2023 with Pluto returning to Aquarius? What an interesting coincidence. And who do we need to spread the enlightenment? The Indigo and Crystal energies.

And that means all of you who are Indigo and Crystal energies, and if you are not sure but you suspect it then you probably are, are now in the spotlight. It’s time to share your gifts and talents and if you are the parent of an Indigo or Crystal child, that goes doubly for you. I find it interesting that with the internet we now have a platform where every gift and talent can become a career and be shared with the world. We are not limited to working a job where someone else tells us what to do.

With the right training and information we can create our own job opportunities and walk our own path which is perfect for indigos, who do not like rules or structure or being told what to do.

There are always energies that arise when the time is right, when humanity is ready for a new energy vibe, a new energy frequency, and a new perspective. The need for new people in the government and corporate worlds are perfect for the Indigo warriors. The need for new spirit led teachers and leaders is perfect for the Crystal healers. Why them? Because they are the most honest, spiritually aligned, mission driven, hard working, and gifted generations and they have been waiting for lifetimes for this time.

When we first entered this ascension cycle in 2003 many teachers came forward. We entered the second phase of Ascension in January 2022 and many more teachers have come forward again. Most of these are Indigo and Crystal energy and they have been waiting for this opportunity for many lifetimes. If this speaks to you and you know that your soul is pointing you in this direction, it is your time.

It is not easy to embody the Indigo and Crystal energy, it is not easy knowing that you don’t fit in, you are not like other people, you don’t feel like you belong, and being in the 3D reality is hard for you. But there are new paradigm options today that do make it easier for all Indigos and Crystals to create their own platform for their gifts and messages.

If you want more information about the indigo and crystal energies – what they are, why they are here, how to use them to your benefit, and how to parent Indigo and Crystal children – be sure to sign up for the Indigo and Crystal masterclass, you can find the link here. It’s live and recorded and there are some bonuses for you in addition to the master class, that include the Indigo and Crystal Guide to Decision Making. This is a tough area for both Indigos and Crystals and they can take forever to make decisions or just avoid them altogether. And there is a guide to Indigo and Crystal energy attributes which explains in detail many of the different attributes that Indigo and Crystals have and how to make the best use of them.

The age of enlightenment is here, and it is time for Indigos and Crystals to shine.

Copyright (c) 2023 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

SF Source Enlightening Life Apr 2023

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