Personal Alchemy: The Power Of Individuals Over Institutions

“. . . most individuals have come to value the falsely-perceived safety of institutionalization over the freedoms of individuation. As a society, we prefer to live under the wing of government and corporation rather than spread our own wings and take flight on our own. . .” – E I Smith

individualsEthan Indigo Smith – I recently left the steadiness of California to embark on a continental book tour. I, like any writer I suppose, have untapped reservoirs of hope rooted in the conviction that I can change the world, so I left the mountains, my friends – everything I’ve known for many years – in a van packed with only the most basic sustenance – food, books and a sweet but demanding canine.

Traveling across the country offers a unique observation point into society’s wells and ills. And from this new liberating perspective, as an outside observer, it soon became apparent that we have essentially become a culture based on ideals and practices of separation.

No matter where I go, I first see the gold in everyone. I acknowledge and greet the people I see and I have met some of the most beautiful people just by being open in this way. But what astonishes me is how frequently I have reached out to people with two and even three simple, friendly greetings — only to be ignored. It is as if these people are afraid to engage, going to extreme lengths – even denying my very existence – to retain their sense of separation.

Living for the City

Part of my reason for taking off on the road was to personally communicate with individuals; to engage with people about my books on a tertiary level, but more importantly, to share ideas about human consciousness and the environmental degradation of nuclear experimentation (two interrelated topics I have written about extensively). Continue reading