WikiLeaks #Vault 7 Explained [Video]

informationAlexandra Bruce – My friend Daniel Liszt called me up and asked me to look into WikiLeaks’ mystifying series of posts to their Twitter account about “Vault 7”. He wanted to know if I could augur as to what these might portend.

My initial reaction was that WikiLeaks never seemed to have finished unloading their trove of seamy Podesta emails and that they’d recently announced that their revelations in 2017 would make 2016 look like child’s play. I assumed this meant that incriminating evidence of child sex-trafficking, involving senior members of the US Government might soon explode into the mediasphere.

Today, a subscriber and friend who’s had a private investigation business for several decades called me up, so I took the opportunity to ask him if he’d heard anything about “Vault 7”. He offered some very interesting insights and his forensic accountant had just sent him today’s video by Press for Truth’s Dan Dicks, which does a great job of interpreting these cryptic posts by WikiLeaks.

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The Way of the Mystic

mysticOwen K Waters – The way of the mystic is a fascinating path. A mystic aims to be in the world but not of the world. Instead, their focus moves back and forth between higher consciousness and the outer, material world. A mystic is always polling their inner awareness for additional information on physical events. They gather information from their inside source.

Mystics have their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. It’s a grand life that produces security, success, and fulfillment. The way of the mystic is one where unity with the divine essence takes precedence, so harmony reigns in their lives. The divine essence is everywhere, within and without. You only have to pay attention to its existence in order to stay attuned to it.

People sometimes have difficulty understanding Eastern ideas like, “The Tao is everywhere and yet nowhere.” The Tao, which is another name for the Absolute, the Godhead or Infinite Being, is the original awareness behind all things. It is said to be ‘nowhere’ because it existed before space and time were even created. After the Creation, it became everywhere in space because all things are creations within the mind of the Creator. Continue reading

The Ultimate Deception- What Happened To Humanity On Earth?

Noel Huntley, Ph.D. – If anyone takes a really good look at our world today they surely can hardly deny that there is something wrong with this picture. How many people question our state of evolution and its professed history? Unfortunately we can be programmed to view a negative existence as normal or natural. If we can observe these undesirable elements and recognise them as not part of a properly evolving world, then we can be sure the more realistic situation is one which is much worse. That is, the discrepancies are much greater. Programming can not only successfully brainwash anyone to think this way but can also underlie the most fundamental level of existence itself.

If all humans were born with one leg, this would appear normal—nothing strange about it. Nevertheless the inevitable mavericks, or individuals who manage to gain temporary freedom from the programming, would point out that two legs would be much better than one; or even bolder, that we had two legs at one time. Amazingly we would still find significant opposition and ridicule, for instance, that one leg would get in the way of the other.

Thus with this theme in mind, education, upbringing, the media, science of evolution, history, etc. have programmed society with the fundamental reference or context of the natural occurrence of a one-legged species. All the limitations arising from having one leg are perfectly normal. This is the important point, “All the limitations . . . are perfectly normal.”

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Earth is Undergoing a Paradigm Shift

Tim BryantBrowsing through history, it’s very clear that the world has undergone many monumental shifts that have uprooted our society’s very foundation in place of new seed. Though it might appear the opposite in the corporate controlled mainstream news, it appears that the entire world is in the very early stages of a paradigm shift.

A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions. For example, when Pythagoras proposed that the Earth was round instead of flat, the foundation of science and people’s understanding of the world was completely changed. Similarly, when the Industrial Revolution took place there was a complete shift in manufacturing, lifestyle, and economics. A paradigm shift can literally shake a society to its core, taking it off its current path and putting it on a brand new one. These shifts take place in many of the world’s most basic elements and redefine how life functions.

Here are 8 signs the world is currently undergoing a Paradigm Shift:

1) The Power of the Internet and the Age of Information

worldThe Internet is arguably the greatest invention in the history of man. Never in our known history has man had access to such a broad range of diverse information from all over the world at the tips of his fingers. Many forget that the Internet has only really been commercialized in the west since the early 1990’s and its spread across the world hasn’t even come close to peaking yet.

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Oracle Report ~ Friday, May 13, 2016

9:40 am ET ADDITION:  Suggestion for musical accompaniment (classical) for today’s magic carpet ride.  Barber’s Adagio for Strings:

First Quarter Moon in Leo: step out of comfort zone; take action

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East

Skill: be receptive to signs and synchronicities

True Alignments:  liberty, leadership, admiration, respect for boundaries, prepared, integration of new insights and information, synchronicities, new approaches, spiritual inspiration, shining stars, abilities and efforts recognized

Catalysts for Change:  control issues, conflict over territory, difficulties with interpersonal relationships and communications, aggression, violations, naïve, propaganda, ruthlessness, base level instincts and impulses, cutting someone down, not listening, domination

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a symbolic battle between swords and torches” (the might of light to rectify)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcending the outworn ways, beliefs, and feelings of the past)

If you missed yesterday’s report and the Friday the 13th energetics portended today, it remains posted below.  Adding to that, here are other things to keep in mind:

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