Oracle Report – Thursday, November 12, 2015

"Fall in Boulder, CO" - photo by Lawrence
“Fall in Boulder, CO” – photo by Lawrence

New Moon in Scorpio/ Sagittarius (10:14 am ET/3:14 pm UT): set intentions, initiate

Goddess of Wisdom: Kamala – Goddess Who Transcends Limitations, Goddess of the Lotus

God of Will/Desire: Elias – God of the West, God of Transformation

Skill: find clues

Catalysts for Change: surrender, coming up short or late, automatic responses/being on “auto pilot,” believing there is only one answer, cowardly, not listening, immoral (hurting others through actions), unfocused, out of control wild

True Alignments: going back and finding or seeing what was missed, channeling, unconventional, the beauty of transformation, allegiance, return to love, sharing information, signs and synchronicities (pay special attention to nature)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a woman draws aside two dark curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway” (transcending limitations)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (recalibration of consciousness)

As darkness is drawn aside and a sacred pathway revealed this lunar month, today’s energy is about clues. So before I give my take on the degrees of the planets, here are the primary Sabian symbols archetypally present today. What do they speak to you?

Sun: “obeying his conscience, a soldier resists orders”

Earth: “a moving finger points to significant passages in a book” Continue reading

Co-opting Consciousness At Awakening’s Door

informationZen Gardner – The concept of deliberately controlled opposition eludes public awareness to an amazing degree. It’s similar to the brazen reality of false flag operations, the epitome of carefully planned societal manipulation by unseen forces who have no regard for the human condition other than to control it – those who are more than willing to attack their own to provoke a desired response.

This is so very similar to the slogan of the nefarious Mossad: “By way of deception, thou shalt do war.” The Jesuits are no better and on the same page. Nor is the CIA and a plethora of other deliberately obscured agencies.

Agencies as in clusters of agents, all subhuman tools in the war for the subjugation, exploitation and control of humanity.

Controlling the opposition is a practice of misdirection and deception disguised as genuine questioning and resistance to the party line in order to accomplish certain goals, a game of ruthless deception that is endemic to the fabric of the entire matrix of control. It’s not anything really startling in the grand scheme of things once you’ve woken up to the big picture, but for those still under the spell of the official narrative it’s an extremely powerful weapon of mass manipulation that they are very cleverly subdued by.

And it has many forms.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” -Vladimir Lenin

Useful Idiots and the Puppeteers

The obvious NATO/US backed insurgencies such as the bogus clearly outside-funded and supplied ISIS charade leading up to these military supplied pogroms on Syria, and the entire middle eastern region for that matter, are perfect examples of controlled opposition on the geopolitical stage.

As awful as that reality is, the problem is way deeper than that. Continue reading

Ronna Star – AA Michael August 2015 Message

lightBeloved masters, on the earthly plane, humans rejoice at the birth of a child, for it is indeed a miracle of creation, and they mourn the death of a loved one, for they feel a personal loss of that person from their midst. However, death is also a miracle and, from a spiritual point of view, it is a time of rejoicing, for it is a time of returning to a truer STATE OF BEING.
We have often spoken of diminished consciousness, and most of you are now aware that the ascension process entails expanding your awareness to integrate all the Facets of conscious expression. As you have often heard, you are not just a human being with a Soul; you are a wondrous Being who has experienced a tremendous variety of physical expressions of consciousness.

In ancient times, when you experienced the material realms in semi-solid or in solid form to varying degrees (while in the Higher-Fourth and Lower-Fifth Dimensions, either on Earth or other planets in your solar system or galaxy), you kept the same form for a much longer time than you do now. In fact, you kept the same physical vessel for thousands of years by your timekeeping. The transition process and the relinquishing of a physical vessel at the end of a lifetime were as natural as discarding a suit of old clothes. Death as you now know it did not exist until humanity sank into the density of the Lower Fourth and Third Dimensions, and you forgot that your sojourn on Earth was only a very small interlude amongst a vast array of experiences while on your wondrous journey throughout the cosmos.

After a special farewell ceremony, the departing Soul stepped into a special Fountain of Transition where the Violet Flame of Transformation blazed brightly (the Violet Flame is not hot as you may imagine, but cool and soothing). Then he/she was immediately transported to the appropriate Higher Dimensional environment.

Those who were left behind in the physical realm could communicate telepathically with their departed loved ones, and they knew that they would meet again sometime in the future. They also knew that they could interact while in their Etheric Body with their loved ones during their nightly sojourns, for their nightly travels were as real and memorable as their daytime experiences.

Some time in the future, humanity will cease to fear death and will understand that it is a natural part of the amazing, ever-evolving creative process. There is a natural flow of birth, death/transition, rest and assimilation, and rebirth in order to experience the wondrous variety of shapes, sizes, forms and realities available to you as a cocreator. In the meantime, you must release many of your old fixed ideas and taboos about death and the hereafter, and know that the life you are now experiencing is only a moment in universal time. Continue reading

The Divine Harmonic Pulsation of Matter

Peter Borys, jr. – In a fear-based consciousness, we have made a separation of physical matter and spirit.  In this view, the physical frequencies are something less than the Divine essence.  While this perception can maintain that the spirit is the energy of matter and is immanent within matter, it still does not see and feel matter as spirit and spirit as matter.

matterIn order to reconcile the false spirit/matter split, we must recognize that matter as we currently experience it is a distortion of the true reality of matter.  The present physical consciousness that is the experience of limited matter is a distortion.  Matter in its pure state is the same as Divine spirit.  The physical is an organization of spirit emanating at various frequency levels.  In a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation, what we experience through the narrow range of our physical senses and thinking mind is a false distortion of matter.

With the distortion as a fundamental starting point for exploring and transforming consciousness, humanity has sought wholeness by identifying with the universal spirit as “transcendent beyond, but immanent presence.”  This maintains the separation of spirit from the physical.  In the emanation of the Divine as information, consciousness, energy, and frequency, spirit is matter and matter is spirit.  It is only the distorting overlay of false frequencies of consciousness that maintain a dualistic separation.  Humanity is in a process of awakening to a resonance with the true Divine frequency of matter where we move beyond the distortion as starting point and into the realization of spirit as matter.

True Divine Matter

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How Your Planet’s Control Structure Really Works

 “It is all data, being fed into vastly complex algorithms, and crunched through A.I. computer systems to not just model, but to manage and administer the global system, in all its myriad dimensions, right down to the individual level. The ultimate aim is to totally control you energetically. Because they understand your hyper-conscious, universal, energetic potential, and the dark controllers want to make sure you never get anywhere near your hyper-conscious, universal, energetic potential.” – Dr. R Sauder


Event Horizon Chronicle ~ Forget all about whatever you were told in school about how the world works. Stay with me as I lay out a better schema, that more accurately reflects the way the world is run.

It all has to do with the study of ecology, and energy, and information flow. Because, you see, energy is fungible, and so is information. In fact, energy is transformable into information, and vice versa.

In other words, the complex interplay of energy and information, broadly conceived, yields an ecology, a dynamic system with myriad feedback loops, positive and negative, whether biological, political, economic, social, etc. This reality has been well understood by leading thinkers and analysts for many years. As the years have gone by, ecological modeling of all kinds has gotten more and more complex. This has everything to do with how the modern world is run.

Enter Howard T. Odum, Stage Left

Most people have never heard of Howard T Odum, the influential 20th century scientist and thinker (or his brother Eugene P. Odum, with whom he wrote the first modern textbook of ecology), including a lot of scientists and intellectuals, and neither had I before I matriculated in forestry school, to earn my second master’s degree.

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