Unreasonable Action Leads To Being Remarkable

Inspire Me Today | June 8 2012

Be unreasonable!

If this were my last chance to share something with the world, I would encourage everyone to be unreasonable – be instigators of change!

You’ve been a good person, you’ve given of yourself, and you’ve done the right thing – most of the time. You have lived your life by others’ rules, those rules that you were taught as a child, those rules you taught to others.

But what one rule have you always wanted to break? I’m not talking about laws, or morality. I don’t mean robbing a bank or cheating on your spouse. What is that thing that you wanted to do that you were told you shouldn’t?

Like quitting a job you hate that “has great benefits”. Starting your own company in a field that everyone says is “too risky”. Deciding to perform the songs you wrote LIVE in front of an open-mic audience. Selling your house and moving to the Bahamas because it sounds like fun. What rule would not hurt anyone – but would be “wrong” to do?

I bet every time you thought about doing the “right thing” instead of freeing yourself to break that rule, some part of you cringed in resistance. How long have you been that reasonable person, doing what is expected of the average person?

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You are The Greatest Treasure

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
November 21 2011

Even after you have received all the fame, fortune and glory that you have been seeking for lifetimes, this ego may still try to continue its habitual search for more, more, more!

Why are you still looking for riches outside yourself when you are the greatest goldmine in the entire Universe!

Yes, you are…embrace this wonderful sacred truth and allow yourself to discover the greatest treasure is already within you.

Keep digging deep into your core. You will strike it rich!