Julian Rose ~ The Fear of Fear: How To Beat It

“. . . fear is the chief tool of our oppression. The chief weapon of our self-paralysis. However, it can be rendered utterly inert and without power, once we recognize its origins and bring to light its phony role.” – J Rose

Gandhi_TheEnemyIsFearFear is real enough, isn’t it?

I mean, there are times when each one of us feels “afraid”. If we didn’t we most probably wouldn’t be around to tell tell the story.

Biological fear is instinctual – but non biological fear is not instinctual. So firstly we have to sort these two out. Fear as an instinct is that inner warning bell – or shiver – which tells us that we are probably or actually – in danger.  It needs heeding.

But fear also comes as something superimposed. A form of indoctrination which renders us fearful about things which we have no business being fearful about. And it is this type of fear that we need to get a grip on – and ultimately reject completely.

You see, fear in its non biological form, is the single greatest weapon of mass destruction to our subtle, responsive state of being. The state that opens us to flows of creative energies, inspirations and actions. States of being which, in turn, have the greatest capacity to turn around the totalitarian regimes of oppression that hold up the pyramids of power.

No wonder the fear card is played to the hilt! The ruling cabal knows from experience that so long as it can keep people in an almost perpetual state of anxiety/fear, there’s not a chance that the creative energies will rise up in rebellion and depose them. Continue reading