Oracle Report Wednesday, April 26, 2018

integrityLaura Walker – Offered today is a short story, for those who want the bottom line, and a longer story, for those who wish to dive a little deeper, a la the Earth today at 07 Scorpio, “deep sea divers.”

Short story:  Today begins a two-year period to massively start or re-start your energy toward what you want to do with your energy (life force/will).  Levels of anger/depression may be much higher today.

 Longer story:

Mars and Pluto are in conjunction today at “a general accepts defeat gracefully.”

Pluto is considered the “higher octave” of Mars.  When the two conjunct, we have a release of the Divine Masculine, specifically the attribute of integrity. Continue reading

Hilarion ~ September 13-20, 2015

soulAs you allow the greater integration of the cosmic energies to take place within your consciousness and within your physical, mental and emotional bodies, you are digging ever deeper into your psyche. This is a process that is occurring for everyone upon the planet at this time. Depending upon your understanding of all that is happening, you who are reading this discourse are those who are now positioned to be of greater service than ever before. The world needs you to be fully present and willing to use your powerful energies for the awakening of the inhabitants of your planet. As the prevailing energies of polar opposites balance within, you become a mighty powerhouse of a force for good. Your divine essence is descending into your etheric field and there is a deeper integration that is taking place. On the outer level, this activity may not be seen but it is certainly being felt, for it is in the experience of the energy and awareness that one comes into their mastery on the physical level. We say to you, do not be afraid to face the shadows within, rather face them squarely and accept these as an important part of your enlightened journey.

During this process, the qualities of unconditional love, compassion and mercy are being finely tuned within your soul as you now turn these qualities of love towards your own being. Each earthly experience should be seen as an important soul lesson that needs to be observed, understood and accepted. All that occurs in the outer world is a reflection of your desire as soul to learn, grow and expand into ever higher dimensions of reality and understanding. Your intent and willingness to undergo these experiences helps to move you forward on your unique path of light towards mastery of the physical plane. Try to attune your senses to the underlying feelings of zest and enthusiasm that well up from within your soul each time you overcome and release yet another illusionary limitation from your being. Yes, this is you at a higher level relishing the accomplishment! From the level of soul, it means that another test and initiation has been successfully passed. Celebrate these moments and mark them by rewarding yourselves with a special treat or symbolic ceremony that leads you to further empowerment. Continue reading

Pursuing A Life Of Excellence — Showing Up With Integrity In The 11th Hour

integrityJack Adam Weber – At this stage in history, many of us are fed up with “humanity.” Yet, we find goodness in people all day long, love one another, and manage to act kindly. So, we are made of light and dark. Unfortunately, however, our collective darkness has shrouded much a bright future for humanity. But with a little help from our friends, each of us, at any moment and for the moment, can act brightly and kindly — with excellence.

Outspoken climate science researcher and professor emeritus of conservation biology, Guy McPherson, is the one who planted in my head this notion of pursuing excellence at this crucial time in history. He speaks of exhibiting good manners, especially in the face of turmoil. This essay explores what I think is needed to pursue a life of excellence and what it might entail relative to our ailing biosphere and our own species on the edge of extinction (as communicated in this article from The Atlantic magazine.)

In a nutshell, pursuing excellence is to live with integrity. But integrity is a loaded word. It’s loaded with goodness, because it means the dark side of our nature has been examined, worked with, made conscious, and modified to make it less lethal and destructive. It’s been integrated into our wholeness. So integrity involves integration, of our dark nature into our light and love. Especially important to integrity is working with our core hurts and wounds, which when unexamined, go on to hurt others, including innocent life on Earth. So, emotional honesty (feeling our true feelings) and intellectual honesty (getting the facts straight, or as straight as we can without emotional bias and with the effort of critical thinking) are crucial for integrity. Without integrity — without working on ourselves — we can’t really treat the world as well as we imagine we can. Continue reading

Pope Francis: Care For Our Common Home

churchCatherine Austin Fitts – A Papal Encyclical is a letter concerning Catholic doctrine which is circulated by the Pope. This week, Pope Francis published a new Encyclical: Laudato Si’ of the Holy Father Francis – Care for Our Common Home.

The 180+ page document sounds the alarm regarding the global degradation of living things: people, animals and our environment.

If this document had been authored by a professor of theology, there would be much room for common ground. However, it has been written by the leader of an institution which has been the single most powerful in the Western world for the last 500 years – a period during which the central banking-warfare model has been busy harvesting our common whole. Continue reading

Courage To Face True History

“Developing the bravery to address the elements of Forbidden History is essential to the growth of both temporal and spiritual awareness. Most people avoid such a journey. They never draw upon the courage to enter that metaphysical world, because they are too scared to buck the system or rescind their own denial morass.” – Sartre

OpticalIllusion1Human consciousness and the ability to understand that which really occurred in the past, is a skill that many people have little experience with mastering. Scholarship and researching the yesteryear relies upon analyzing accounts of others and is usually based on chronicles written centuries ago. Most of the original evidence used in writing the accounts may be lost, based upon oral myths or accurate translations of vanished languages. Even when the original sources are impeccable in their authenticity or go unquestioned in the ivory towers of academic scrutiny, the crucial question still remains, Was It So? Attempts to provide definitive proof, when it comes to explaining political events, relies more often on the art of understanding the connection among factions, based within the context of their intended agendas then smoking gun documents.

At the offset, the axiom that history is written by the victors, applies more to the popular culture then just to stories of military campaigns. Control of the perception of current events is the first stage for formulating the narrative, which will be accepted as the initial draft of history. The means upon which societies are manipulated have more to do with defining acceptable reports, using fictional circumstances and conclusions, then the butt of a rifle.

Yet, the distracted public mostly views history as recounts of war and power politics.  The popularity of television channels like the History Channel, H2, AHC and the subjects that air nearly 24/7, provide a version of past events that go virtually unchallenged. At the least, this method for a primary overview is more accurate, when compared to the common core education being taught in government schools. Continue reading