Are You Committed To Your Soul’s Integrity?

When you sell out your soul day after day, even if the sell outs are subtle and you’re barely aware of what you’re doing, the voice of your soul (I call it Your Inner Pilot Light grows dim.” ~ Lissa Rankin

IntegrityLissa Rankin – As part of my job, I am frequently asked to endorse books, products, and programs that might sell better if I give them my stamp of approval. I’m also asked to decide whether to get involved in media that will draw attention to what I’m selling in my own business.

It would be so easy to just say “Yes” to everything. It would please others and gain me approval. Doing so would sell more books and attract more attention to the programs I lead (like my latest program for health care providers).

I used to indiscriminately endorse every book I was asked to endorse by author friends, until one reader accused me of what she called “bloggie incest”, claiming that I automatically endorsed all the books written by everyone in my little blog cliqué.

I was guilty as charged. This reader told me she no longer trusted my endorsement because I didn’t seem to be picking the books I endorsed with discernment. I was just agreeing to support my friends. What she said needled me right in the gut and made me think twice about endorsing even well-intentioned books that feed the ego more than they feed the soul. I know my readers trust what I recommend, and I want my endorsement to actually mean something. Continue reading

Integrity, Maturity, The Resolution Of Ambivalence

Shift Frequency June 16 2013

The Latin word integro, integrare, is a first conjugation verb. It was originally a smelting term.

The concept was to make one from many by melting and fusing together in the fire.
One would take the ores required for metals and heat them to great temperature sufficient to burn away the impurities and cause the false ash to fall away from the now bonded, fused molten metal remaining from the ores.
I have always marveled at the parallel in meaning between the use of this word and our own internal process of maturation and the manner in which this process reflects the true purpose for our presence here in life, the sacred nature of our path and the core essence of the importance of the power of choice.
Concomitant with the concept of choice, is the necessity of the capacity of forgiveness, for with each error we commit, forgiveness is an essential response in our capacities or we shall become trapped in condemnation, judgment, retribution and punishment whether self or other generated and inflicted.

The Greatness Of Your Soul

Inspire Me Today March 6 2013

You are not diminished by your pain. Your spirituality is not measured by the presence or absence of difficulty in your life. Challenge is not a punishment or a reward. It is not a reflection of your value to the world; it is a reflection of your choice to grow and learn and make mistakes.

Although your thoughts and attitudes attract and create your life, you are not your thoughts.

“Your thoughts control your experience of reality. But your thoughts cannot affect, or change, or control, or even touch who you are.”~ Paul Williams, Remember Your Essence

Remembering your essence will awaken you to the realization that humans are magnificent beings with unlimited potential. Not remembering doesn’t change who you are.

Challenge yourself to look beyond the circumstances of your life and recognize the truly magnificent soul inside. Then, look beyond the circumstances of every person you meet and see his or her essence.

In the book The Game of Life and How to Play It, Florence Scovel Shinn proposes that if one person holds another in a vision of wholeness, that person cannot fail. Do you hold yourself in a vision of wholeness? How do you see the people around you: your parents, children, partners, friends? Is the first thought of them of their failures?

Or, can you be the one person who sees them in the wholeness of their path as a person with divine essence, growing?

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The Meaning Of Life

Infinite Being | October 7 2012

Just as there were rules to understand in the Old Reality, there are rules which are best adopted when taking action in the New Reality.

The Old Reality was about gaining courage and developing intellect. The New Reality is about unconditional love and inner wholeness.

Wholeness is personally-inspired integrity without the “shoulds” that others may try to impose upon you.

The frequency of consciousness in the New Reality is heart-centered. Unconditional love comes naturally; you need only let it flow through your heart and allow that energy to be who you are.

When you shift to the expanded consciousness of the New Reality, the universe reorganizes itself around you to reflect that higher reality. Externally-imposed rules are replaced by internal, love-based choices.

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Wingmakers ~ Shifting Paradigms

Want To Know | May 11 2012

Toward Divine Wisdom and Understanding

Hierarchical organization
Chamber 3 - Wingmakers

The wisdom and understanding of our own divine essence is like a beacon that invites us inward toward ever deeper connection with all around us. Yet rather than look within, most in this world prefer to look outward for divine wisdom, thus sustaining a dependence upon a vast hierarchy that stretches between the individual and the Divine. In all our wanderings away from the Divine, humankind has obscured its most compelling features through a persistent belief in limitations arising out of the controlling mechanisms of this hierarchy.

The Divine dances outside of the confines of any hierarchical structures. It is complete within itself, and has a singular purpose of demonstrating the collective potential of all life within the universe. It is the archetype of perfection. It is the standard bearer of each soul’s innate design and ultimate destiny. The essence of the Divine is far beyond mental conception, yet humanity’s tendency is to resort to the limiting language of the hierarchical paradigm to define and understand it.

The Hierarchical Paradigm: Searching for Connection and Wholeness

When people are unaware of their inner wisdom and wholeness, they tend to search for order and security outside themselves. Uncertain of their place within the hierarchical order of the world, they define themselves based upon their insecurities. Individuals thus become only pieces of their wholeness and like shards of glass from a beautiful vase, they bear little resemblance to their aggregate beauty. Within the hierarchy, many in high positions of power have taken advantage of our collective insecurities in attempting to guide the development of all humankind. They have obscured the direct connection between the individual and the Divine through a variety of means designed to intercede between our inner essence and our divine source.

Each individual can come to know themselves to be free of all forms of hierarchical control. This is not to imply that we should not trust others or join together in bonds of friendship and community. It is simply a reminder that relative truth is constantly shifting in the hands of those who desire to control. And even when the motive for their controlling behaviors may be of good will, it is still a form of control. When the revealers of “truth” within the hierarchy withhold and suppress information, they are usually positioning themselves to maintain or acquire more power rather than to disseminate empowerment to all.

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