The Power of Love

loveOwen K Waters – Love, in its various forms, is the almighty drive that sends people to the extremes of human endeavor. This potent force which pervades the universe is part and parcel of the human experience, providing people with learning and evolution. It is the driving force behind all life in its journey back to the Oneness of all things.

There are many forms of love. There is the love of a mother for her baby. There is the love of a child for their parents. There is the camaraderie of people of like mind. There is the love shown by self-sacrifice in order to save others during a crisis. Continue reading

Create intentions that manifest

The Angels – Take a few minutes after you read our words. What do you want your life to look like as you move forward? Who do you want to be? What do you want to have? How do you want to live your days? What would that feel like? Explore those questions for a few minutes.

Some of you know with great clarity what you want. Some of you know in great detail, and others of you know only the feelings you wish to experience. Both are fine. Each one of you will have varying degrees of detail in mind about your dreams, and that’s ok. If you look in your heart, you can identify what it is you know you want. Continue reading

New Moon of Connection & Evolutionary Unfolding

new moonLeslie Benson – The New Moon in Libra, coming to exact on Saturday, Sept 28th at 11:26 am Pacific time, arrives on the autumn breeze with potentials for connection, healing, and unexpected awakenings and revelations.

This New Moon, at 5 + degrees of the Cardinal Air sign of Libra, is precisely inconjunct to Uranus, the Awakener, the energy that astrologer Jeff Green called “freedom from the known.”

The New Moon phase in general marks the beginning of a new 30-day Lunar Synodic Cycle, which provides opportunity to pause, open our awareness, and see what wishes to emerge in our path over the next thirty days.

This coming month’s alignments promise surprise, unexpected enlightenment, good fortune, and also strict adherence to reality rules that might have the effect of showing us our limitations. With Saturn the lessons are also long lasting.

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New Moon is Saturday, September 28 at 12:26 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

new moonLena Stevens – This is a super moon intensifying the influence of the themes which are focused on right path, right relationship, right intentions, justice and commitments to your truth and ideals. Because of the intensity, you could be reactive around reactions and projections of others.

The challenge will be to stay engaged and connected while staying neutral at the same time. There is growth and healing in allowing vulnerability to drive new intentions, to purge the old, and forgive the old wounds whose residue has held you back from moving forward into a bigger life.

We are at the brink of expanding our dreams and our experience of life in a really beautiful way. We can push through our limitations through action, discipline and commitment. What stands in the way is our own stubborn position of blame, being right and not willing to forgive. So take a courageous step this New Moon and allow yourself to complete the wounded chapters of your story so you can turn the page.

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Energy Sovereignty is Your Free Will to Choose

Enjoy this month’s channeled message from Archangel Uriel.

Energetic sovereigntyJennifer Hoffman – Energetic sovereignty is often called ‘free will’ but it is more than that, it is the absolute freedom to choose any energy frequency to create any life path you wish, at any time.

This path is what you call your reality but it is actually an energy path that you have created, by your choice, for your energy to flow into and manifest that creation which you call your ‘reality’.

Everyone has energetic sovereignty and you must be aware of temptations, turning points, and distractions to maintain congruence with your highest energy potential and the sovereignty of your choices.

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