Intentions, Assumptions and Expectations

energyJennifer Hoffman – Have you ever had your heart broken, been disappointed, or felt rejected by someone? The problem is not that you weren’t worthy of that situation or person, but that there was no alignment between them and the outcomes you wanted to create with your intention. And there was not enough energy in the relationship connection to maintain it.

It may have felt like it in the beginning (everything looks rosy and possible when we are in love) but energies between people and within relationships do change over time and we need to be aware of those changes and make appropriate course corrections.

While we assume every relationship is ‘supposed’ to last forever, many are learning opportunities that teach us lessons in choosing, alignment, empowerment, discernment, and letting go.

When we set expectations we pull the energy ahead of its potential and then attempt to hold everything together while we try to make everything fit and work. We are trying to create congruence and harmony by making the energy fit (what I call ‘false congruence’) instead of allowing trust and faith to guide the energy to fit. Continue reading

Study Reveals ‘Intentionally Treated Water’ Might Change The Growth Rate Of Plants

intentionArjun Walia – Human intention experiments have been taking place for decades. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of peer-reviewed publications that have examined the mind-matter connection with some very interesting results. These results lead to interpretations that are usually ignored in the mainstream, simply because they challenge the mind to entertain and accept completely new facts about the true nature of reality that would completely revolutionize our worldview in several different ways.

I recently published an article about how quantum theory and parapsychology are showing us how mind/matter interaction is indeed real, and that the scientific study of human consciousness is an entirely different ball game; it is almost impossible to accurately measure the impact of consciousness if the ‘objective’ model and limiting parameters of modern-day “science” are still being used. Continue reading

Create A High Vibe Week

intentionJennifer Hoffman – Is it possible to control the outcomes in our life? The short answer is yes, the longer answer must include many factors including soul groups, karmic paths, our soul mission for healing, and our own Source contracts. But while we cannot escape from the life lessons and karma we have set up for ourselves, we can bypass the more challenging parts and stay in control of the process by understanding the creative power of our thoughts and beliefs.

If we know ourselves to be sovereign in our lives and use that to empower our thoughts to create a more joyful, joy-filled, fulfilling reality, we will see how our lives can move from intention to alignment to manifestation in ways that we enjoy.

Our reality is a mirror of our thoughts and beliefs, every single one of them. There are no insignificant thoughts and each thought has equal creative power. Intention is how we move energy, which will go in the direction of our intention. Use these daily affirmations to set your intention — and move the energy — each day of the week so you are intentionally creating the energetic flow and space for the highest and best outcomes for your life. Continue reading

2017 Focus

focus word Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Focus for 2017, which I have titled “The Year of Surprises and Changes” is that literally things could surprise you and change very, very quickly. So your focus is going to be on positive change or progressive movement, things that better the existence for all of Humanity, and of course, your Animal companions and wildlife and marine life and all life forms on the planet really.

I want to say also that as a Lightworker you may want to have a single word focus for your year.

It might be “Love”
It might be “Peace”
It might be “Power”
It might be “Change”
It might be “Health”

Find a one word focus that is your intention for the year and simply put power into that. Chant it, write it, have fun with it.

Alright Dear Ones. As always, thank you and my love to you.
Djwhal Khul

Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon

SF Source Jan. 2017

October 2016 Energy Report

actionJennifer Hoffman – We’re out of the heavy transitional energies of September and that’s a relief. But before you jump out of the October starting gate and rush off onto any available path because you are so glad to be out of those challenging energies, be aware that Mercury is still in its shadow retrograde, we have some energy aspects that support careful consideration and calm assessment before taking action, and while fresh starts are possible, they must be made within the context of October’s energy requirements of balance, equilibrium, and congruence. And with all of the focus on relationships and partnerships this month, remember that your first and most important relationship is the one you have with yourself, and it’s the one all of your other relationships will mirror.

Like September, October begins with a new moon but this one is not an eclipse and it doesn’t have some of the challenging aspects of September’s. So we begin the month with support for new efforts but Mercury is still in its difficult retrograde until October 7, so mind the retro warnings, they are still in effect. This is a month for action that is aligned with our intention, energy, and energetically balanced with our needs, for priorities that put us first, and for equilibrium in our lives so the energy flows with congruent harmony.

If you’re saying ‘yes’ to all of that, let’s take a closer look so you know exactly what this means. October’s energy does not come with a magic wand but it does offer profound potential for transformation if we’re willing to align with it, do the work it requires, and take action.

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