Motivating Intention

intentionJennifer Hoffman – It’s a good idea to set intentions but how do you stay motivated to keep the energy flowing? You know that intentions often do not manifest right away so what do we do to keep the energy flowing while we’re waiting? There is a very important part of intention that no one talks about and yet it is essential to making your intention real, personal, and actionable. And that word is… you will have to read the article or listen to the podcast to find out.

This may seen like such an obvious step and yet it is never done and that is one of the reasons why we create intentions that we just cannot follow through with or we lose our motivation because we don’t care enough about our intention and what we’re going to create with it. Continue reading

February 2019 Energy Report

energyJennifer Hoffman – We’re into another month and this one will be focused on cleaning up after the chaos of January. Remember that chaos is the result of dis-integration of old paradigms and we’re seeing a lot of that now. The energy focus for February is connection and the other 5D energies of collaboration, community, and creativity (which is also the theme of 2019). This can be a great month if we don’t get lost in confusion, self doubt, and forgetting that we are masters of our own universe and energetically sovereign.

February’s new moon is another one in the series that began in November 2018 where all of the new moons are at 0 degrees of their sign, which continues through April. The number zero (0) does not mean nothing, it is pure potential and means no-thing, energy waiting for an intention to bring it to form, energy looking for an energy container to fill. So see each new moon period until May as being pure potential, starting fresh and new. This new moon is in the sign of Aquarius, ruling community, friends, social groups, and connections. Continue reading

Is the World Crisis Igniting a Mass Global Awakening?

Is the World Crisis Igniting a Mass Global Awakening?Nanice Ellis – Overwhelming evidence suggests that the world is in dire condition, but, silently behind the scenes, the world crisis is actually igniting a mass global awakening, and for the first time in history, millions of people like you and me are waking up!

There is no denying, we are on the precipice of huge global change, but, although change is inevitable, the exact nature of it is yet to be determined and, in fact, each of us is waking up in order to make this choice for ourselves — so what we do now, and how we think, will determine the course of history. Continue reading

The Power In the Space In Between

outcomesJennifer Hoffman – If you feel like your life has been ‘on hold’ for a long time, and many of us do, once the energy starts moving, as it is now, it brings a rush of action and activity. We have so much to catch up on and so much lost ground to recover that we set lots of powerful intentions to move the energy and our lives forward. And then we wait in joyful anticipation and as time passes and nothing seems to happen, we lose hope. Here we go again, we think, more delays and more limitations. But we’re in the ‘in between space’, that middle ground between intention and outcome, where can create new pathways and energetically multi-task, holding our intention while we also stay open to different outcomes. It’s a very powerful place to be because all of our power is in the ‘space in between’ and it is what we do in this in between space that keeps the energy flowing.

Patience is where our will meets divine timing and we don’t like to wait, especially if we need something right away. If we don’t see pretty quick results we get perturbed, annoyed, and impatient. But the waiting period is where all of the potential gathers, and so does our energy. And there are two ways to look at the situation, with impatience or with optimism. Impatience leads to second guessing ourselves and the universe, believing we’re doing something wrong, and then we step onto the path of fear that our necessary and desired outcomes won’t happen. Optimism, another choice, keeps us on track and encourages us to keep the energy flowing by maintaining our intention and channeling energy into opening new portals of possibility. We can use our energy to be impatient and block the flow, or we can encourage the flow by staying with our intention and seeing what else is happening. Continue reading