So It Begins

So It BeginsBrenda Hoffman – Even though you ended your 3D dance, you might not yet feel beyond 3D, for some pieces continue to impact your moods and interactions. Such is to be expected. You did not shift from a 3D infant to a toddler in one day. It was a process, as it is for you now.

Past actions are no longer appropriate, and future actions are just beginning, so you feel discombobulated and a bit raw. Allow those feelings to pass through you as you adjust to your new being.

You are also likely not yet fully aware of a deepening sensation of knowing something without needing words. What you are experiencing is beyond 3D intuition. Almost as if you have an inner camera with voice activation. Continue reading

One Simple Exercise to Increase Your Intuition

Intuition: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

One Simple Exercise to Increase Your IntuitionTanaaz – We are all intuitive beings and we are all born with the same intuitive abilities, it is just that some people have had more practice.

Your intuition already lives within you, it is already strong, and it is already willing to guide you.

Learning to develop your intuition is truly an invaluable tool that can help you make decisions and can bring you clarity when logic alone is not enough. Continue reading

Change Is An Inside Job

Change Is An Inside JobLorna Bevan – This midpoint between two sets of eclipses, with Venus at odds with Mars and a Full Moon across Leo/Scorpio at the end of the week, is a turning point within a turning point. Now that all planets are moving forward until the start of May, your thoughts turn to taking action. But unless you want the same old, same old results, you need to change your thinking before your tweak the external.

As the 2023 Event Horizon in March rapidly approaches, think about the past six months of your work, gains, losses and spiritual growth then set your intentions, while letting go of whatever no longer serves you. Continue reading

Empowerment Begins Inside Your Body

Empowerment Begins Inside Your BodySelacia – How many times have you had a hunch about something, then discounted it and continued on with your choice? Everyone has done this, of course, mainly because conventional norms do not place intuition in its proper place of high regard.

Long ago, though, the ancient peoples valued hunches and other intuitive wisdom. It was a normal part of life to listen to one’s body and to pay attention to subtle messages coming from outside the body, too. Wisdom keepers of diverse traditions tell us of a time when people valued all life, understanding that every living thing could be a vast resource of knowledge. Continue reading

Is The Universe Trying To Tell You Something?

Is The Universe Trying To Tell You Something?Nick Polizzi – Have you ever noticed certain patterns in your life that keep happening over and over again?

Maybe it’s a number. Like when you see 11:11 on a clock multiple times in a week, for example. Maybe it’s the repeated mention of a book or song.

One of our team members, Maya, was recently contacted by three different friends who had encountered a live bear in the wild – separately – in three different states. At first, she thought, “Oh, how interesting—the spirit of the bear is trying to reach that person…and that one too.” Continue reading