All Those Pentagon Internet IP Addresses

internetJoseph P Farrell – Today’s blog is about a story so unusual that I have absolutely no idea what to make of it. That’s not to say I don’t have plenty of high octane speculations about it, but even then, I’m left with even more uncertainty about my usual uncertainty about my high octane speculations. In fact, I’m so  uncertain I don’t even know if the prior sentence even made sense, hence I’m filing this one under “you tell me.”

That said, the reason I’m blogging about it is because of all the stories and articles I received this past week, this one nearly tied with the story about those strange directed energy-mind manipulation attacks going on in Swampington, D.C., and like that story, this one too originates – in all its fetid curiosity – from the same place. So again, thanks to all of you who shared this story. Continue reading

ISIS IP Addresses Traced Back To Saudi Arabia and UK Governments

addressesBrandon Turbeville – A recent successful hacking of three ISIS supporters’ Twitter accounts has revealed that the source of these accounts is not located in Syria or Iraq but in the UK and Saudi Arabia.

According to a report by the UK Mirror, a group of four hackers known as VandaSec hacked the ISIS accounts and linked them back to the Department of Work and Pensions in the UK. Indeed, according to the hackers, the accounts are being run from Internet addresses that can be traced back to the DWP.

The Mirror reports that VandaSec showed them the IP addresses used by a group of three separate jihadists (digital ones at least) to access their Twitter accounts. What appeared at first to suggest that the IP addresses were based in Saudi Arabia soon revealed that the addresses linked back to the DWP in the UK.

“VandaSec’s work has sparked wild rumours suggesting someone inside the DWP is running ISIS-supporting accounts, or they were created by intelligence services as a honeypot to trap wannabe jihadis,” Jasper Hamill writes.

The Mirror then claims to have traced the IP addresses shown to them by VandaSec and allegedly found that the addresses pointed to “a series of unpublicized transactions between Britain and Saudi Arabia.” Continue reading